The 2nd International Workshop on Green Programming, Computing,
and Data Processing (GPCDP)
In conjunction with the International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference 2015
Dec. 14, 2015
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Power and energy consumptions become key constraints of many computer systems from smartphones to data centers. While power and energy consumptions have gained a lot of attentions over the years, the proposed solutions are mainly confined within systems software and algorithms for computation. This workshop aims to provide a venue for discussion of a broader spectrum of approaches to green computing including programming and execution paradigm, and of extensions from computing to data processing.
The topics of interest for this workshop include:
- Power and energy characteristics of programs
- Energy-efficient programming
- Power-aware compiling
- Power-aware scheduling
- Energy-efficient resource management
- Energy-efficient big data processing and analytics
- Energy-efficiency of storage systems
- Power-aware cloud computing
- Energy-efficient heterogeneous computing
- Energy-efficient scalable computing
Paper Submission and Publication:
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the workshop. Submissions should include an abstract, key words, the e-mail address of the corresponding author. All submitted papers should follow the conference submission instructions.
All papers should be submitted electronically (in PDF format) to Easychair using the workshop submission system. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the workshop to present the work. Each accepted workshop paper will require a full IGSC registration at the IEEE member or at the non-member rate (NOT student rate). There will be no separate workshop-only registration. Each submitted paper will be peer reviewed and the comments will be provided to the authors. The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Important dates:
Paper submission due: | Extended to Sept. 15, 2015 (firm) |
Notification to authors: | Oct.15, 2015 |
Camera-ready due: | October 31, 2015 (firm) |
Workshop co-chairs:
Program Committee:
- Michela Becchi, University of Missouri
- Holger Froening, University of Heidelberg
- Song Fu, University of North Texas
- Anshul Gandhi, Stony Brook University
- Rong Ge, Clemson University
- Lars Koesterke, Texas Advanced Computing Center
- Dong Li, University of California - Merced
- Xin Li, Shandong University
- Qiang Guan, Los Alamos National Lab
- Shuaiwen Song, Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Ziliang Zong, Texas State University
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm: Huangxin Wang, Jean X. Zhang and Fei Li, “Incentive Mechanisms to Enable Fair Renewable Energy Trade in Smart Grids”.
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm: Hafiz Fahad Sheikh and Ishfaq Ahmad, “Niched Evolutionary Techniques for Performance, Energy, and Temperature Optimized Scheduling in Multi-Core Systems”.
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Tiffany Connors and Apan Qasem, “Power-performance Analysis of Metaheuristic Search Algorithms on the GPU”.
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Coffee Break
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Vinod Yadav,Seyed Ali Cheraghi and Vinod Namboodiri, “The OS Elixir: On the Impact of Operating System Upgrades on Mobile Device Lifespan”.
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Anurag Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Rong Ge and Ziliang Zong, “CRUSH: Data Collection and Analysis Framework for Power Capped Data Intensive Computing”.
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Introduction of Marcher - A Heterogeneous High Performance Computing Infrastructure for Research and Education in Green Computing
Previous Workshop: