ECL graphs

ECL graphs (*.egr) are stored in binary CSR format. We have used the following codes to convert graphs to this format. These codes are not very robust and may not work. However, they should make it easy to write your own converter if necessary. Note that these codes are protected by this license and that by downloading any of them you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this license.

Dimacs to ECL graph converter: dimacs2ecl.cpp
MatrixMarket to ECL graph converter: mm2ecl.cpp
Lonestar to ECL graph converter: lsg2ecl.cpp
SNAP to ECL graph converter: snap2ecl.cpp
Header file to read in ECL graphs: ECLgraph.h

You can use the following links to download some sample graphs in ECL format. They are all undirected (i.e., symmetric) and do not contain loops (self-edges). Some have edge weights, none of which are negative or zero.

name vertices edges size [MB] edge weights origin type
2d-2e20.sym.egr 1048576 4190208 37.7 yes Galois grid
amazon0601.egr 403394 4886816 21.2 no SNAP product co-purchases
as-skitter.egr 1696415 22190596 95.5 no SNAP Internet topology
citationCiteseer.egr 268495 2313294 10.3 no SSMC publication citations
cit-Patents.egr 3774768 33037894 147.3 no SSMC patent citations
coPapersDBLP.egr 540486 30491458 124.1 no SSMC publication citations
delaunay_n24.egr 16777216 100663202 469.8 no SSMC triangulation
europe_osm.egr 50912018 108109320 636.1 no SSMC road map
in-2004.egr 1382908 27182946 114.3 no SSMC web links
internet.egr 124651 387240 3.6 yes SSMC Internet topology
kron_g500-logn21.egr 2097152 182081864 1465.0 yes SSMC Kronecker
r4-2e23.sym.egr 8388608 67108846 570.4 yes Galois random
rmat16.sym.egr 65536 967866 8.0 yes Galois RMAT
rmat22.sym.egr 4194304 65660814 542.1 yes Galois RMAT
soc-LiveJournal1.egr 4847571 85702474 362.2 no SNAP journal community
uk-2002.egr 18520486 523574516 2168.4 no SSMC web links
USA-road-d.NY.egr 264346 730100 6.9 yes Dimacs road map
USA-road-d.USA.egr 23947347 57708624 557.5 yes Dimacs road map

These graphs stem from the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Rome (Dimacs), the Galois framework (Galois), the Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP), and the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (SSMC)

This work has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1406304 as well as by equipment donations from Nvidia Corporation.

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