/* graphB+ balancing algorithm for signed social network graphs Copyright 2021, Texas State University. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Texas State University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Authors: Ghadeer Alabandi and Martin Burtscher URL: The latest version of this code is available at https://cs.txstate.edu/~burtscher/research/graphBplus/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static const bool verify = false; // set to false for better performance struct EdgeInfo { int beg; // beginning of range (shifted by 1) | is range inverted or not int end; // end of range (shifted by 1) | plus or minus (1 = minus, 0 = plus or zero) }; struct Graph { int nodes; int edges; int* nindex; // first CSR array int* nlist; // second CSR array int* eweight; // edge weights (-1, 0, 1) int* origID; // original node IDs }; static void freeGraph(Graph &g) { g.nodes = 0; g.edges = 0; delete [] g.nindex; delete [] g.nlist; delete [] g.eweight; delete [] g.origID; g.nindex = NULL; g.nlist = NULL; g.eweight = NULL; g.origID = NULL; } struct CPUTimer { timeval beg, end; CPUTimer() {} ~CPUTimer() {} void start() {gettimeofday(&beg, NULL);} double elapsed() {gettimeofday(&end, NULL); return end.tv_sec - beg.tv_sec + (end.tv_usec - beg.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;} }; static inline int representative(const int idx, int* const label) { int curr = label[idx]; if (curr != idx) { int next, prev = idx; while (curr > (next = label[curr])) { label[prev] = next; prev = curr; curr = next; } } return curr; } static Graph readGraph(const char* const name) { // read input from file FILE* fin = fopen(name, "rt"); if (fin == NULL) {printf("ERROR: could not open input file %s\n", name); exit(-1);} size_t linesize = 256; char buf[linesize]; char* ptr = buf; getline(&ptr, &linesize, fin); // skip first line int selfedges = 0, wrongweights = 0, duplicates = 0, inconsistent = 0, line = 1, cnt = 0; int src, dst, wei; std::map map; // map node IDs to contiguous IDs std::set> set2; std::set> set3; while (fscanf(fin, "%d,%d,%d", &src, &dst, &wei) == 3) { if (src == dst) { selfedges++; } else if ((wei < -1) || (wei > 1)) { wrongweights++; } else if (set2.find(std::make_pair(std::min(src, dst), std::max(src, dst))) != set2.end()) { if (set3.find(std::make_tuple(std::min(src, dst), std::max(src, dst), wei)) != set3.end()) { duplicates++; } else { inconsistent++; } } else { set2.insert(std::make_pair(std::min(src, dst), std::max(src, dst))); set3.insert(std::make_tuple(std::min(src, dst), std::max(src, dst), wei)); if (map.find(src) == map.end()) { map[src] = cnt++; } if (map.find(dst) == map.end()) { map[dst] = cnt++; } } line++; } fclose(fin); // print stats printf(" read %d lines\n", line); if (selfedges > 0) printf(" skipped %d self-edges\n", selfedges); if (wrongweights > 0) printf(" skipped %d edges with out-of-range weights\n", wrongweights); if (duplicates > 0) printf(" skipped %d duplicate edges\n", duplicates); if (inconsistent > 0) printf(" skipped %d inconsistent edges\n", inconsistent); if (verify) { if ((int)map.size() != cnt) {printf("ERROR: wrong node count\n"); exit(-1);} printf(" number of unique nodes: %d\n", (int)map.size()); printf(" number of unique edges: %d\n", (int)set3.size()); } // compute CCs with union find int* const label = new int [cnt]; for (int v = 0; v < cnt; v++) { label[v] = v; } for (auto ele: set3) { const int src = map[std::get<0>(ele)]; const int dst = map[std::get<1>(ele)]; const int vstat = representative(src, label); const int ostat = representative(dst, label); if (vstat != ostat) { if (vstat < ostat) { label[ostat] = vstat; } else { label[vstat] = ostat; } } } for (int v = 0; v < cnt; v++) { int next, vstat = label[v]; while (vstat > (next = label[vstat])) { vstat = next; } label[v] = vstat; } // determine CC sizes int* const size = new int [cnt]; for (int v = 0; v < cnt; v++) { size[v] = 0; } for (int v = 0; v < cnt; v++) { size[label[v]]++; } // find largest CC int hi = 0; for (int v = 1; v < cnt; v++) { if (size[hi] < size[v]) hi = v; } // keep if in largest CC and convert graph into set format Graph g; g.origID = new int [cnt]; // upper bound on size int nodes = 0, edges = 0; std::map newmap; // map node IDs to contiguous IDs std::set>* const node = new std::set> [cnt]; // upper bound on size for (auto ele: set3) { const int src = std::get<0>(ele); const int dst = std::get<1>(ele); const int wei = std::get<2>(ele); if (label[map[src]] == hi) { // in largest CC if (newmap.find(src) == newmap.end()) { g.origID[nodes] = src; newmap[src] = nodes++; } if (newmap.find(dst) == newmap.end()) { g.origID[nodes] = dst; newmap[dst] = nodes++; } node[newmap[src]].insert(std::make_pair(newmap[dst], wei)); node[newmap[dst]].insert(std::make_pair(newmap[src], wei)); edges += 2; } } if (verify) { if (nodes > cnt) {printf("ERROR: too many nodes\n"); exit(-1);} if (edges > (int)set3.size() * 2) {printf("ERROR: too many edges\n"); exit(-1);} } // create graph in CSR format g.nodes = nodes; g.edges = edges; g.nindex = new int [g.nodes + 1]; g.nlist = new int [g.edges]; g.eweight = new int [g.edges]; int acc = 0; for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { g.nindex[v] = acc; for (auto ele: node[v]) { const int dst = ele.first; const int wei = ele.second; g.nlist[acc] = dst; g.eweight[acc] = wei; acc++; } } g.nindex[g.nodes] = acc; if (verify) { if (acc != edges) {printf("ERROR: wrong edge count in final graph\n"); exit(-1);} } delete [] label; delete [] size; delete [] node; return g; } // source of hash function: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/664014/what-integer-hash-function-are-good-that-accepts-an-integer-hash-key static inline unsigned int hash(unsigned int val) { val = ((val >> 16) ^ val) * 0x45d9f3b; val = ((val >> 16) ^ val) * 0x45d9f3b; return (val >> 16) ^ val; } static void init(const Graph& g, int* const inCC, EdgeInfo* const einfo, int* const inTree, int* const negCnt) { // shift nlist #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g) for (int j = 0; j < g.edges; j++) { g.nlist[j] <<= 1; } // zero out inCC #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, inCC) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { inCC[v] = 0; } // set minus if graph weight is -1 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, einfo) for (int j = 0; j < g.edges; j++) { einfo[j].end = (g.eweight[j] == -1) ? 1 : 0; } // zero out inTree and negCnt #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, inTree, negCnt) for (int j = 0; j < g.edges; j++) { inTree[j] = 0; negCnt[j] = 0; } } static double generateSpanningTree(const Graph& g, const int root, const int seed, EdgeInfo* const einfo, int* const parent, int* const queue, int* const border, int* const label, int* const inTree, int* const negCnt) { const int seed2 = seed * seed + seed; // initialize #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g) for (int j = 0; j < g.edges; j++) g.nlist[j] &= ~1; // edge is not in tree #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, parent) for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) parent[i] = -1; int tail = 1; parent[root] = INT_MAX & ~3; queue[0] = root; // BFS traversal int level = 0; border[0] = 0; border[1] = tail; while (border[level + 1] < g.nodes) { // skipping last iteration const int bit = (level & 1) | 2; #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, level, tail, queue, parent, seed2, border, bit) for (int i = border[level]; i < border[level + 1]; i++) { const int node = queue[i]; const int me = (node << 2) | bit; #pragma omp atomic write parent[node] = parent[node] & ~3; for (int j = g.nindex[node]; j < g.nindex[node + 1]; j++) { const int neighbor = g.nlist[j] >> 1; const int seed3 = neighbor ^ seed2; const int hash_me = hash(me ^ seed3); int val, hash_val; do { // pick parent deterministically #pragma omp atomic read val = parent[neighbor]; hash_val = hash(val ^ seed3); } while (((val < 0) || (((val & 3) == bit) && ((hash_val < hash_me) || ((hash_val == hash_me) && (val < me))))) && (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(&parent[neighbor], val, me) != val)); if (val < 0) { #pragma omp atomic capture val = tail++; queue[val] = neighbor; } } } level++; if (border[level] == tail) {printf("ERROR: input appears to have multiple connected components; terminating program\n"); exit(-1);} border[level + 1] = tail; } const int levels = level + 1; if (verify) { if (border[levels] != tail) {printf("ERROR: head mismatch\n"); exit(-1);} if (tail != g.nodes) {printf("ERROR: tail mismatch\n"); exit(-1);} for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) { if (parent[i] < 0) {printf("ERROR: found unvisited node %d\n", i); exit(-1);} } } CPUTimer timer; timer.start(); // bottom up: push counts #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, label, border) for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) label[i] = 1; for (int level = levels - 1; level > 0; level--) { // skip level 0 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(level, queue, label, parent, border) for (int i = border[level]; i < border[level + 1]; i++) { const int node = queue[i]; #pragma omp atomic label[parent[node] >> 2] += label[node]; } } if (verify) { if (label[root] != g.nodes) {printf("ERROR: root count mismatch\n"); exit(-1);} } // top down: label tree + set nlist flag + set edge info + move tree nodes to front + make parent edge first in list label[root] = 0; for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++) { #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, level, queue, parent, label, einfo, inTree, negCnt, border) for (int i = border[level]; i < border[level + 1]; i++) { const int node = queue[i]; const int par = parent[node] >> 2; const int nodelabel = label[node]; const int beg = g.nindex[node]; int paredge = -1; int lbl = (nodelabel >> 1) + 1; int pos = beg; for (int j = beg; j < g.nindex[node + 1]; j++) { const int neighbor = g.nlist[j] >> 1; if (neighbor == par) { paredge = j; } else if ((parent[neighbor] >> 2) == node) { const int count = label[neighbor]; label[neighbor] = lbl << 1; lbl += count; // set child edge info einfo[j].beg = label[neighbor]; einfo[j].end = (einfo[j].end & 1) | ((lbl - 1) << 1); g.nlist[j] |= 1; // child edge is in tree // swap if (pos < j) { std::swap(g.nlist[pos], g.nlist[j]); std::swap(einfo[pos], einfo[j]); std::swap(inTree[pos], inTree[j]); std::swap(negCnt[pos], negCnt[j]); if (paredge == pos) paredge = j; } pos++; } } if (paredge >= 0) { // set parent edge info einfo[paredge].beg = nodelabel | 1; einfo[paredge].end = (einfo[paredge].end & 1) | ((lbl - 1) << 1); g.nlist[paredge] |= 1; // parent edge is in tree // move parent edge to front of list if (paredge != beg) { if (paredge != pos) { std::swap(g.nlist[pos], g.nlist[paredge]); std::swap(einfo[pos], einfo[paredge]); std::swap(inTree[pos], inTree[paredge]); std::swap(negCnt[pos], negCnt[paredge]); paredge = pos; } if (paredge != beg) { std::swap(g.nlist[beg], g.nlist[paredge]); std::swap(einfo[beg], einfo[paredge]); std::swap(inTree[beg], inTree[paredge]); std::swap(negCnt[beg], negCnt[paredge]); } } } if (verify) { if (i == 0) { if (lbl != g.nodes) {printf("ERROR: lbl mismatch\n"); exit(-1);} } int j = beg; while ((j < g.nindex[node + 1]) && (g.nlist[j] & 1)) j++; while ((j < g.nindex[node + 1]) && !(g.nlist[j] & 1)) j++; if (j != g.nindex[node + 1]) {printf("ERROR: not moved %d %d %d\n", beg, j, g.nindex[node + 1]); exit(-1);} } } } const double rt = timer.elapsed(); // update inTree #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, inTree) for (int j = 0; j < g.edges; j++) { inTree[j] += g.nlist[j] & 1; } return rt; } static double initMinus(const Graph& g, const EdgeInfo* const einfo, bool* const minus) { CPUTimer timer; timer.start(); // set minus info to true #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, minus) for (int j = 0; j < g.edges; j++) { minus[j] = true; } // copy minus info of tree edges #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, einfo, minus) schedule(dynamic, 64) for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) { int j = g.nindex[i]; while ((j < g.nindex[i + 1]) && (g.nlist[j] & 1)) { minus[j] = einfo[j].end & 1; j++; } } return timer.elapsed(); } static double processCycles(const Graph& g, const int* const label, EdgeInfo* const einfo, bool* const minus) { CPUTimer timer; timer.start(); #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, label, einfo, minus) schedule(dynamic, 64) for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) { const int target0 = label[i]; const int target1 = target0 | 1; int j = g.nindex[i + 1] - 1; while ((j >= g.nindex[i]) && !(g.nlist[j] & 1)) { int curr = g.nlist[j] >> 1; if (curr > i) { // only process edges in one direction int sum = 0; while (label[curr] != target0) { int k = g.nindex[curr]; while ((einfo[k].beg & 1) == ((einfo[k].beg <= target1) && (target0 <= einfo[k].end))) k++; if (verify) { if ((k >= g.nindex[curr + 1]) || !(g.nlist[k] & 1)) {printf("ERROR: couldn't find path\n"); exit(-1);} } sum += einfo[k].end & 1; curr = g.nlist[k] >> 1; } minus[j] = sum & 1; // make cycle have even number of minuses } j--; } } return timer.elapsed(); } static void determineCCs(const Graph& g, int* const label, const bool* const minus, int* const count, int* const inCC, int* const negCnt) { // init CCs #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, label) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { label[v] = v; } // compute CCs with union find #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, label, minus, negCnt) schedule(dynamic, 64) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { const int beg = g.nindex[v]; const int end = g.nindex[v + 1]; int vstat = representative(v, label); for (int j = beg; j < end; j++) { const int nli = g.nlist[j] >> 1; if (minus[j]) { negCnt[j]++; } else { int ostat = representative(nli, label); bool repeat; do { repeat = false; if (vstat != ostat) { int ret; if (vstat < ostat) { if ((ret = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&label[ostat], ostat, vstat)) != ostat) { ostat = ret; repeat = true; } } else { if ((ret = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&label[vstat], vstat, ostat)) != vstat) { vstat = ret; repeat = true; } } } } while (repeat); } } } // finalize CCs #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, label) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { int next, vstat = label[v]; const int old = vstat; while (vstat > (next = label[vstat])) { vstat = next; } if (old != vstat) label[v] = vstat; } // determine CC sizes #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, count) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { count[v] = 0; } #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, count, label) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { #pragma omp atomic count[label[v]]++; } // find largest CC (source CC) int hi = 0; #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, hi, count) for (int v = 1; v < g.nodes; v++) { if (count[hi] < count[v]) { #pragma omp critical if (count[hi] < count[v]) hi = v; } } // init CC hop count (distance) from source CC, populate workset of edges that cross CCs std::set< std::pair > ws; for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { const int lblv = label[v]; if (lblv == v) { count[lblv] = (lblv == hi) ? 0 : INT_MAX - 1; // init count } for (int j = g.nindex[v]; j < g.nindex[v + 1]; j++) { const int nli = g.nlist[j] >> 1; const int lbln = label[nli]; if (lblv < lbln) { // only one direction ws.insert(std::make_pair(lblv, lbln)); } } } // use Bellman Ford to compute distances bool changed; do { changed = false; for (auto p: ws) { const int lblv = p.first; const int lbln = p.second; const int distv = count[lblv]; const int distn = count[lbln]; if (distv + 1 < distn) { count[lbln] = distv + 1; changed = true; } else if (distn + 1 < distv) { count[lblv] = distn + 1; changed = true; } } } while (changed); // increment inCC if node is at even hop count from source CC #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(g, hi, label, count, inCC) for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { inCC[v] += (count[label[v]] % 2) ^ 1; } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("graphB+ balancing code for signed social network graphs (%s)\n", __FILE__); printf("Copyright 2021 Texas State University\n"); CPUTimer overall; overall.start(); // process command line and read input if (argc != 4) {printf("USAGE: %s input_file_name iteration_count output_file_name\n", argv[0]); exit(-1);} CPUTimer timer; timer.start(); printf("verification: %s\n", verify ? "on" : "off"); printf("input: %s\n", argv[1]); Graph g = readGraph(argv[1]); printf("nodes: %d\n", g.nodes); printf("edges: %d\n", g.edges); const int iterations = atoi(argv[2]); printf("input time: %.6f s\n", timer.elapsed()); // allocate all memory bool* const minus = new bool [g.edges]; int* const parent = new int [g.nodes]; int* const queue = new int [g.nodes]; // first used as queue, then as CC size int* const label = new int [g.nodes]; // first used as count, then as label, and finally as CC label int* const border = new int [g.nodes + 2]; // maybe make smaller int* const inCC = new int [g.nodes]; // how often node was in largest CC or at an even distance from largest CC int* const inTree = new int [g.edges]; // how often edge was in tree int* const negCnt = new int [g.edges]; // how often edge was negative EdgeInfo* const einfo = new EdgeInfo [g.edges]; int* const root = new int [g.nodes]; // tree roots timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) root[i] = i; std::partial_sort(root, root + std::min(iterations, g.nodes), root + g.nodes, [&](int a, int b) { return (g.nindex[a + 1] - g.nindex[a]) > (g.nindex[b + 1] - g.nindex[b]); }); init(g, inCC, einfo, inTree, negCnt); //printf("init time: %.6f s\n", timer.elapsed()); double graphBtime = 0; for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) { //printf("tree %d\n", iter); // generate tree timer.start(); graphBtime += generateSpanningTree(g, root[iter % g.nodes], iter + 17, einfo, parent, queue, border, label, inTree, negCnt); //if (iter == 0) printf("tree time: %.6f s\n", timer.elapsed()); // initialize plus/minus timer.start(); graphBtime += initMinus(g, einfo, minus); //if (iter == 0) printf("pm time: %.6f s\n", timer.elapsed()); // find cycles timer.start(); graphBtime += processCycles(g, label, einfo, minus); //if (iter == 0) printf("cycle time: %.6f s\n", timer.elapsed()); // determine connected components timer.start(); determineCCs(g, label, minus, queue, inCC, negCnt); //if (iter == 0) printf("CC time: %.6f s\n", timer.elapsed()); } printf("graph bal time: %.6f s\n", graphBtime); // print results if (verify) { for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) { if (i >= 10) break; // to limit output printf("%6d: %6d (%5.1f%%) %d\n", i, inCC[i], 100.0 * inCC[i] / iterations, g.origID[i]); } } // output results to file FILE *f = fopen(argv[3], "wt"); fprintf(f, "original node ID, percentage node was in agreeable majority\n"); for (int i = 0; i < g.nodes; i++) { fprintf(f, "%d,%.1f\n", g.origID[i], 100.0 * inCC[i] / iterations); } fprintf(f, "source node ID, destination node ID, percentage edge was in tree, percentage edge was negative\n"); for (int v = 0; v < g.nodes; v++) { for (int j = g.nindex[v]; j < g.nindex[v + 1]; j++) { const int n = g.nlist[j] >> 1; if (v < n) { // only print one copy of each edge (other copy does not have correct negCnt) fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%.1f,%.1f\n", g.origID[v], g.origID[n], 100.0 * inTree[j] / iterations, 100.0 * negCnt[j] / iterations); } } } fclose(f); // finalize freeGraph(g); delete [] minus; delete [] einfo; delete [] parent; delete [] queue; delete [] label; delete [] border; delete [] inCC; delete [] inTree; delete [] negCnt; delete [] root; printf("overall runtime with I/O: %.6f s\n", overall.elapsed()); }