Brad Everman
PhD Graduate in Computer Science @ TXSTATE
Brad is a potentate who presides over a small dominion in Eastern Europe. His rule is supreme, and his ultimate goal is to amass as much wealth and power as possible, using any means possible. He wears his nearly impervious metal armor all of the time and is learned in magical powers taught to him by various gypsy groups. He has been thwarted by the Fantastic Four on many occassions. When not seeking to bring doom to all who oppose his will, he is generally seen riding motorcycles or drinking heavily.
BA Philosophy, UTSA
MA Philosophy, Texas A&M
MS Computer Engineering, Texas A&M
PhD Computer Science, Texas State
B. Everman and Z. L. Zong, "GreenWeb: Hosting High-Load Websites Using Low-Power Servers", In Proceedings of the International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC'18), Pittsburgh, Oct. 2018.
B. Everman, N. Rajendran, X. Li, and Z. L. Zong, “Improving the Cost Efficiency of Large-scale Cloud Systems Running Hybrid Workloads - A Case Study of Alibaba Cluster Traces”, In Proceedings of the International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC’20), San Antonio, Oct. 2020.
B. Everman, M. Gao, and Z. L. Zong, "Evaluating and Reducing Cloud Waste and Cost - A Data-Driven Case Study from Azure Workloads", In Proceedings of the International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC’21), Virtual Conference, Oct. 2021.