Use one of the following tools to compile and execute C++ programs on your device:
- Codeblocks (Windows only)
— requires installation:
(Downloads > Download the binary release > codeblocks-17.12mingw-setup.exe)
— video instructions for installation from Lab 0
- Xcode (Mac only)
— requires installation (downloand and install from the App Store)
— how to set up a C++ project in Xcode (video instructions from another university) - (Windows, Mac, or mobile device)
— requirements: a browser to access and a free account (to save your work online)
— how to download your main.cpp file from
- Click on the top left icon that looks like a piece of paper to get the files pane.
- Click on the three dots at the top of this pane to open a mini-menu.
- Click on Download as zip.
- Find the zip file on your system and unzip to get your main.cpp file.