Links to my class webpages for Spring 2025:

CS 2318 (Assembly Language)

CS 3358 (Data Structures and Algorithms)

Links to some useful software:

(view and print PDF files) Adobe Acrobat Reader

(zip/unzip files) WinZip

Selected C++ links:

C++ Annotations

Lee S. Koh, Ph.D. E-mail (LK04@TXSTATE.EDU)

Animated Mandarin Name

Who says we shouldn't have some fun and relaxation as we learn?

Play my custom-card-size, multi-player, one-card-per-player, personizable, BINGO.

Watch R2-D2 drifting randomly (she's given up) confined to a rectangular enclosure.

You can have a cup of Colombian Supremo and listen to coffee too.

(Use your browser's Back button to go back to previous page.)