CS 2318 (Assembly Language) by Lee S. Koh

Exam 1 Study Guide 



    SectionDateStart Time

    25102-20-2025 (Thursday)11:00 am

    255 & 256
02-20-2025 (Thursday)06:30 pm

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Questions can be on anything covered up to the most recent lecture (on 02/18/25).

That means the relevant lecture notes are
 001 BigPictures
 001 BigPictures_Sup01 - focus on catching the "big piture" (not details of any particular aspects)
 001 BigPictures_Sup02 - focus on catching the "big piture" (not details of any particular aspects)
 001 BigPictures_Sup03 - focus on catching the "big piture" (not details of any particular aspects)
 001a MotivationPushAndRealityCheck
 002 DigitalInfoRepresentation01
 002_ DigitalDataRepresentationPanoramically
 002__ DistinctPatternsWithHybridDigits
 003 DigitalInfoRepresentation02
 003a SupplementaryLectureNote(forReplacementClass)
 004 DigitalInfoRepresentation03
 004a SupplementaryLectureNote(forReplacementClassInThePast)
 005 DigitalInfoRepresentation04
 005 DigitalInfoRepresentation04Sup01(Unicode and UTF-8)
 005_ PertinentBinaryEncodingFormulas
 005a NotesOnBitwiseOperations

Test will be closed books / notes / online-resources / discussion and no calculating devices of any kind are allowed.

All allowed reference material (such as IEEE 754 signed real number encoding/decoding schematic and ASCII chart) will be provided as part of the exam.

All electronics off during the exam. (In particular: no calculators of any kind allowed.)

Checklist of (most if not all) the things you are expected to know

Where and how assembly language fits in, relative to:

Virtual machine layers (abstraction in hardware).

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) as interface between hardware and software, in particular.

Typically specifies instruction set, (general purpose) registersdata types and addressing modes.

instruction: primitive operation (task) processor supports (e.g., add) - each has 2 main parts in opcode (operation code) and operands.

⁃⁃ First look at CISC (complex instruction set computers) and RISC (reduced instruction set computers).

register: fastest kind of storage device (located on processor chip) of the typical computer.

⁃⁃ general-purpose registers: those (assembly-language) programmers get to use to write programs.

⁃⁃ 2 special-purpose registers of note: program counter (PC) and instruction register (IR).
(The key roles PC and IR play relative to a first look at the fetch-decode-execute cycle involved in program execution.)

data type: set of representable values + set of relevant operations (e.g., int).

addressing mode: way of specifying the location(s) of operand(s) involved in an instruction - each operand may be a soure operand or a destination operand.

But not implementation.

Other programming languages (espcially higher level ones).

1GL, 2GL, 3GL, 4GL, . . .: machine language is 1GL, assembly language is 2GL and high-level language is 3GL.

Reflected in typical translation hierarchy for C: compiler --> assembler --> linker --> loader.

compiler does "high-level language → assembly language" translation.

assembler does "assembly language → machine language" translation.

In terms of lines of code needed to express a computation, how is assembly language typically different compared to high-level languages.

To accomplish the same thing, assembly language typically requies more lines of code than high-level language.

Advantages/disadvantages, common application areas and truths and half-truths of assembly language.

Undeniable truth: not portable (e.g.: assembly language program written to run on MIPS will not run on INTEL).

Meaning of digital and digital system.

Characteristics/implications/consequences/. . . of/for being digital.

Discrete and finite (as opposed to continuous and infinite that apply to analog).

sn # of (distinct/unique) states associated with digital system (s = # of digital variations, n = # of digits involved).

s1 х s2 х . . . х sn # of (distinct/unique) states associated with hybrid digital system (s1 = # of digital variations of digit 1, . . ., sn = # of digital variations of digit n).

Partial (selective/discrete) represention to deal with digital-reality mismatch often encountered.

Present-day's predominate finite-state device.

Transistor - electronic - switching (not regulating) circuit - 2-state (not 3-or-more-state) - binary - why.

How many unique values (or range of zero-and-higher whole numbers) a given set of finite-state devices (i.e., bits or "tit"s or "qit"s etc.) is able to represent.

Minimum number of bits (or "tit"s or "qit"s etc.) required to represent a given number of unique values (or range of zero-and-higher whole numbers).

How bits (or "tit"s or "qit"s etc.) can be used to represent anything.

Can encode/represent anything with numbers.

(Each of us is treated/represented as numbers often enough!)

Can represent any finite number of numbers if finite-state devices are available in sufficient number.

What 2 basic strategies for binary encoding of set of items (such as set of values) are.

Base it on mathematical formula.

Base it on assigned item-pattern mapping - typically crafted in some way (and not arbitrarily).

Know about ASCII code and Unicode.

In particular: how is Unicode different than ASCII code, and why (-> globalization / internationalization).

For backward compatibility, the first 128 Unicode characters point to ASCII characters.

(some allude to this by saying that ASCII is a subset of Unicode)

ASCII character encoding in more detail.

Some key characteristics:

The positive whole number the byte (encoding a character) evaluates to is the ASCII value of the character.

Characters representing digits come before (have lower ASCII values) than letters (alphabets) and appear consecutively in increasing order of ASCII value.

The ASCII value of the character representing 0 ('0') is not 0.

The character with ASCII value 0 is the null character ('\0') that is used as the null terminator in C-strings.

Uppercase letters (alphabets) come before (have lower ASCII values) than lowercase letters (alphabets) and appear consecutively in increasing order of ASCII value.

Lowercase letters (alphabets) come after (have higher ASCII values) than uppercase letters (alphabets) and appear consecutively in increasing order of ASCII value.

An uppercase letter (alphabet) and it's lowercase counterpart appear in the same column on the ASCII chart.

Their bit patterns differ by only 1 bit (the 5th bit, with the least significant bit being the 0th bit).

'a' does not come immediately after 'Z' (but there's a 6-character gap between them) on the ASCII chart.

In particular: understand and know how to apply the following (in part or in whole).

ASCII character chart

How positional numbers are defined for unsigned whole numbers and fractions and how to use the definition in evaluations.

(Our scope confined to the usual way the numbers are represented that we looked at, i.e., representations based on radix polynomials.)

What Horner's scheme is and where and how it can be used to effect efficient evaluations.

The double-and-add method for evaluating unsigned binary numbers.

Extended use in other mathematically similar settings: triple-and-addquadruple-and-add, . . . for ternary (base-3), quarternary (base-4), . . . numbers.

How to convert decimal whole numbers to binary using the repeated subtraction and repeated division methods.

Similarly for converting decimal whole numbers to ternary, quarternary, . . .

How to convert decimal fractions to binary using the repeated multiplication method.

How to quickly translate a hex digit into the equivalent 4 binary digits and vice versa.

How to convert from binary (both whole numbers and unsigned real numbers) to hex and hex to binary.

Know the rules for and use them to perform binary addition.

The 4 different methods (as discussed in class) for representing signed whole numbers, their characteristics, and some key reasons for the predominant use of 2's complement.

SM, 1C, 2C, Bias (Excess)

The polynomial representation for a 2's complement number and the associated Horner's scheme for evaluating the decimal equivalent of a 2's complement number.

How to quickly find the 2's complement of a binary number, i.e., without having to first find the 1's complement and then add 1.

What overflow is.

Know the key advantage 2C has (over SM and 1C) --> main reason most modern computers use 2C to represent signed whole numbers.

Same way (thus device) used to "add unsigned whole numbers" and "add signed whole numbers" --> just have to detect overflow differently.

How to detect overflow when performing addition involving unsigned numbers and when involving 2's complement numbers

By examining the state(s) of certain bit(s) in 1 or 2 positions.

List of observations (note that each is in terms of the state(s) of certain bit(s) in 1 or 2 positions -- something that can be easily made in hardware):

carry-out is 0 when bits at most-significant-bit position are added.
- carry-out is 1 when bits at most-significant-bit position are added.
- addends have opposite signs.
- addends are both positive, sum is positive.
- addends are both positive, sum is negative.
- addends are both negative, sum is positive.
- addends are both negative, sum is negative.
- carry-in and carry-out at most-significant-bit position are the same.
- carry-in and carry-out at most-significant-bit position are not the same.

How to quickly arrive at the range of 2's complement numbers a given number of bit can represent (in terms of powers of 2).

Range for n-bits: [  -2n-1  ,  2n-1 - 1  ] 

How to derive ballpark ideas about 2's complement numbers (comparative ideas about them: negative or positive and relatively more negative or positive).

Know about lengthening/shortening of binary whole numbers (unsigned or 2's complement) and when the operations are needed/appropriate.

In particular: zero-extension and sign-extension.

(Note that "more compact (shorthand) representation in hex" of the binary whole numbers involved may be called for.)

How oddness/evenness (in general, divisibility by some power of 2) can be quickly determined for signed/unsigned whole numbers represented in binary and hex.

Know the key features of IEEE 754-1985 single-precision and double-precision formats.

Sign bit, biased exponent, fraction (or significand or mantissa) and hidden bit.

How to encode and decode a signed floating-point number in IEEE 754-1985 single-precision and double-precision formats.

Understand and know how to apply the following (in part or in whole):

IEEE 754 Encode-Decode Helper Formula and Diagram

How to derive ballpark ideas about signed floating-point number in IEEE 754-1985 (comparative ideas about them: negative or positive and relatively more negative or positive).

( and whatever bitwise operations items below we get to cover up to and including the 02/18/25 lectures )

Know about bitwise operations, what they are useful for, and how to put them to use.

What bit shifting is and how it can be useful.

Logical left shift, logical right shift, arithmetic right shift.

Efficient multiplication and division by powers of 2 for signed/unsigned numbers (and unsigned floating-point numbers) represented in binary.

How, and under what provisions (for results to be valid).

Simply to bring certain bit(s) to certain desired position(s).

What binary bitwise operation(s) and mask(s) to use to attain certain effects (setting/clearing/toggling/complementing/extracting/isolating/... of bit(s)).



1 shows, 0 hides (behind 0)

(bit clearing with 0)



0 shows, 1 hides (behind 1)

(bit setting with 1)



0 shows, 1 hides (behind "the reverse of actual")

(bit toggling with 1)

What combination of operation and mask to use to go from what's given to what's desired.

XOR intrigue:

Same polarity gives 0, different polarity gives 1.

XOR a bit pattern P with itself makes P all 0's (clears P).


Use Assignment 1 (all 3 parts) as part of your preparation.

Caveat: You should definitely not take it that the exam will only cover material involved in Assignment 1.

(In particular: Expect significant number of conceptual questions, noting that pretty much all assignments have been quantitative.)

Take advantage of relevant drills and challenges exercises posted on the class homepage (under Drills And Challenges).

DaC201 DigitalDataRepresentation (in particular).

DaC202 BitwiseOperationsAndMasking.

You may want to check out sample past exam questions posted on the class homepage (under Other Resources).

You should not however, expect the questions to be identical in number, kind, topic coverage, etc.

Notion very ill-advised to harbor:
     I take it I will do well in current exams if I can do the sample past exam questions well.

You should not have to worry about questions being written on topics we have not (or not yet) covered; some such questions may appear as sample past questions because the associated topics were appropriate at that time.

Do the following if you are eligible and intend to use extended time accommodation:

Follow proper procedure to request taking the exam at the ATSD.

You typically need to do the request at least a certain number of (non-weekend?) hours in advance.

The exam date of your request should be the same as the (regularly) scheduled date of the exam.

The exam start time of your request should be closest to the (regularly) scheduled start time of the exam.