As indicated in the Course
Syllabus, one of the prerequisites for this course is CS 2308 (which
in turn has a prerequisite in CS 1428) or equivalent. Numerous students
in the past found it necessary to withdraw after a while because they were
not ready for this course, i.e., because they were lacking or weak
in the prerequisite skills - problem-solving skill in general, and the
ability to program in C++ in particular. In talking to some of these students
(when they sought to drop with a "W"), many of them described their situations
as "taking a shot at it knowing that the chances are slim" and expressed
their regrets to have taken the chances, realizing then that they had wasted
valuable money and time. The usual suggestion (accompanying the consolatory
"good try") that I usually offer such students is to first strengthen their
prerequisite skills before retaking the course. Incidentally, my usual
"hint" to students taking CS 2308 (with respect to their chances for passing
CS 3358) is as follows: C - slim chance, B - good chance, A - excellent
chance. |