CS 3358 (Data Structures and Algorithms) by Lee S. Koh

Exam 1 Study Guide
(posted 02/12/2025)


Date: 02/19/2025

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Questions can be on anything covered from the beginning up to and including the 02/17/2025.

Questions may specifically refer to the ourStr class (both versions) discussed during lectures and the IntSet classes of Assignments 1 and 2.

You may also be asked questions related to concepts/features discussed (and to be exercised in Assignment 3); e.g.iterator, namespace, typedef and size_t.

Test will be closed books / notes / online-resources / discussions.

All allowed reference material will be provided as part of the exam or during the exam.

All electronics off during the exam.

Recap of some of the topics:

3 parts a (non-trivial) C++ program is typically organized into: interface, implementation, client/application.

What items commonly go into each part (and what don't logically belong).

User-defined data type development using C++ in object-based fashion (use of class in particular).

Information hiding: separating the interface (what) from the implementation (how).

Header and source files and separate compilation.

Key benefit: maintainability (modifiability, updatability, upgradability, . . .).

Interface has lower tendency to change (with time) than implementation.

Modular programming: building application with components (notably containers) that are organized as modules (interface-implementation pairs).

Header-source file pairs and separate compilation.

Key benefit: reusability.

Indigeneous versus exogeneous data type.

ourStr Version 1 vs ourStr Version 2.

IntSet of Assignment 1 vs IntSet of Assignment 2.

The "Big Four".

Which is automatically invoked when.

Automatic (compiler-supplied) versions, their shortcomings, and impacts of the shortcomings.

In particular: deep copying versus shallow copying.

When and how to write custom (overriding) ones.


Which ones "come-for-free" (and what shortcomings if any).

How to use operator overloading to override compiler-supplied assignment operator and to support additional operators.

Some key C++ (especially class-related) features, the roles they play and how to use them (both as a client/user and a developer/supplier).

include directive (macro/inclusion guard).

Instance-level variable and class-level variable.

The invoking object and the this pointer.

Accessors and mutators.

Non-public helpers.

Member functions (methods), non-member (free, ordinary) functions, and friend functions.

How-to's associated with each within the interface, implementation and client/application components.

(CAUTION: When writing code, there's no situation in the exam that warrants the use of the friend feature.)

Initializer (or initialization) list.
(for use in constructors only)

Function with default arguments.

Its particular usefulness in covering constructors -> "multi-role" constructor.

const keyword: three of the contexts (situations) and their semantics (meanings) of its use.

Declaring symbolic constant.

Specifying pass-by-const-reference.

Specifying accessor (protecting invoking object).

Some specific items prone to misconceptions.

Whose data can an accessor not cause any side effect on.

Whose data can a member function (method) directly access.
(access meaning read for accessors and read/write for mutators)

When does "=" mean assignment and when does it not (but mean what instead).

Object lifetime: construction -> utilization -> destruction.

Who is/are the role player(s) in which of the phases.

Contract-based design methodology.

What the 3 key ingredients and the 3 key action verbs are.
(precondition, postcondition and class invariant; expect, guarantee and maintain)

How the key ingredients interrelate.

How the key action verbs apply (relative to the key ingredients).

Who are the stakeholders (i.e., contract between which parties).

How the functions of a class are bound ("contractually") by invariants.

Constructors <--> invariants.

Destructors <--> invariants.

Other mutators <--> invariants.

Good practices.

Program defensively.

Principle of least privilege.

Reveal/enable only what is necessary and no more.

E.g.: don't use global variables.

E.g.: use appropriate parameter passing mechanism (by value, reference and const reference) in functions.

Use friend functions sparingly and only where warranted.
(CAUTION - mentioned in class and/or above - repeated for emphasis:
    There shouldn't be situation in CS3358 assignments/exams to warrant its use - just have to know about the feature.)

Where possible, trap/address precondition violations and other "surprise" situations.

Client-oriented design.

E.g.: specify position rather than index.

E.g.: don't baffle client with implementation details.

"Don't make soup too salty".

E.g.: not good to have using directive in header file.

Computer-based problem solving concepts.

Central role of data -> storage and access techniques for data -> data structures and algorithms.

Classic ("tried-and-proven-to-be-commonly-useful") containers.

At "lower-level": array, linked list, etc.

At "higher-level": stack, queue, etc.

Key motivating factors for studying data structures (and corresponding algorithms).

Solve the right problem right.

Use the right tool for the right problem.

Don't re-invent the wheel.


What it is and how it helps us in solving problems.

Underpinnings of just about all aspects of CS.

Procedural abstraction: top-down progressive/stepwise refinement/specialization, modularization, divide and conquer.

Procedural (action-centered) paradigm.

Data abstraction: bottom-up generalization.

Object (data-centered) paradigm.

Abstract data types (ADTs).

Focusing on the interface (what), abstracting away (ignoring) the implementation (how).

One-to-many (in general) relationship between interface and implementation.

C++ support: header and source files and separate compilation.

Container ADTs.

What they are and what the "3 categories of operations (besides construction and destruction) typically supported by each" are .

Why so many different types of containers.

Starter ADTs: set, multiset (bag), sequence (list) and sorted sequence (sorted list).

Specifying/implementing/utilizing container ADTs in C++ - some aspects:


What are and why.

Enhanced scoping (name-conflict prevention) using custom namespace.

Symbolic representation of data type using typedef.

Use of size_t for sizing/counting/iterating.

Pitfalls of using size_t.

( and whatever templating items below we get to cover up to and including the 02/17/24


What it essentially enables one to do.

What must hold true to make it possible.

Template function and template class.

Provision data types must meet for successful use with templates.

Relatively simple example illustrating C++ templating mechanics/quirks.

How to specify, implement, and use.

How to organize (including work-around used to effect separation of interface from implementation).

Aspects of STL.

What the 3 key components are.

containers (template classes), iterators, algorithms.

What left-inclusive metaphor is.


Reference material.

Lecture Notes prefixed 301 through 308 and 311Templating.

Examples etc. (posted on class website).

You may want to check out sample past exam questions posted on the class homepage (under Other Resources).

You should not however, expect the questions to be identical in number, kind, topic coverage, etc.

Notion very ill-advised to harbor:
     I take it I will do well in current exams if I can do the sample past exam questions well.

You should not have to worry about questions being written on topics we have not (or not yet) covered; some such questions may appear as sample past questions because the associated topics were appropriate at that time.

Do the following if you are eligible and intend to use extended time accommodation:

Follow proper procedure to request taking the exam at the ATSD.

You typically need to do the request at least a certain number of (non-weekend?) hours in advance.

The exam date of your request should be the same as the (regularly) scheduled date of the exam.

The exam start time of your request should be closest to the (regularly) scheduled start time of the exam.