Node Structures
// parent
struct PNode { CNode* data; PNode* link; }; // child
Pseudocode (Print Value at Each Node): if (head == 0) return
Why queue? (What's FIFO about the problem?) |
For each level, the child-list nodes involved must be processed in the order in which the respective child lists are encountered in the parent list, i.e., first encountered first to be processed. |
Additional clarifications: |
■ | Initial buffering of the child-list head pointers as they are encountered (while traversing the parent list from beginning to end) in a queue ensures the prescibed processing order for the child-list nodes of the first level. |
■ | Subsequent buffering (in the same queue) of the child-list head pointers as they are encountered (while processing the nodes pointed to by the head pointers previously buffered) ensures the prescibed processing order for the child-list nodes of the remaining levels. |
● | Note that the pointer in the link field of node n in an N-node linked list is effectively a head pointer, namely the head pointer of the smaller list consisting of node n+1, node n+2, ... and node N. (This applies also for the case of node N, the null pointer in whose link field is the head pointer of the empty list.) |