Well-versed in multiple programming languages including Java, C++, Python, and MySQL. Self-driven and motivated. Seeking to leverage technical skills and education to do research, broaden horizons, explore multiple avenues, and seek solutions to world problems.
• Software: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Atom, NetBeans, Jupyter Notebook
• Database: MySQL, Firebase
• Application Development: Java, Python, PHP, HTML5, CSS, XML, C++
• Participated in MediaEval 2021 Benchmark: Fake News - Coronavirus and 5G Conspiracy: Classifying tweets as “Promoting Conspiracy” or “Non-Conspiracy”. Shebaro, M., Oliver, J., Olarewaju, T., & Tesic, J. (2021). Enhancing Tweet Content Classification with Adapted Language Models.
• Submitted a Paper to WSDM related to Frustration Index and Cloud (Awaiting response).
• Submitted a Paper to SIGMOD related to finding maximum balanced subgraph (Awaiting response).
• Submitted a Paper to SPRINGER related to Twitter Analysis (Awaiting Response).
• Presented at ACM PhD. Symposium and Sunbelt 2023 - "Identifying Stable States for Large Signed Graphs". Tesic, J., & Shebaro, M. (2023). On Discovering Consensus States in Large Signed Graphs. Shebaro, M., & Tesic, J. (2023). Identifying Stable States of Large Signed Graphs. ACM.
• Received a Research Excellence Award 2023 from the Department of Computer Science @ Texas State University
Computer Systems Fundamentals (2021-2023): Responsible for grading assignments, holding office hours, helping undergraduate students through tutoring and guiding. Recommender Systems (2023-Current): TBD
Assisting event groups with Check in/out. Being on call to support event groups. Supporting professional staff as needed.
Advisor: Dr. Jelena Tešić. Member in the DataLab@TXST.
Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin
Muhieddine Shebaro — m.shebaro@txstate.edu