Welcome to my webpage

About me

Driven by my curiosity, I chose computer science for my bachelor's degree, finding the challenge of programming intriguing. Throughout my undergraduate journey, I gained hands-on experience in coding with languages like Python, R, and C++. My studies included a three-year Applied Mathematics program, where I built a strong foundation in calculus, real analysis, and math models. After that, I earned a bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a focus on Artificial Intelligence.
In 2024 I started a PhD in Computer Science at Texas State University. My research interests are centered on VR/AR and Machine Learning, as I aim to explore new possibilities at their intersection.


Doctoral Instructional Assistant

CS 2308: Foundations of Computer Science II Fall 2024
Duties: homework preparation, conducting office hours


  • Johannes Kepler University

    Supervised Techniques, Unsupervised Techniques, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing

  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

    Real Analysis, Statistics, Linear Programming, Data Analysis, Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry, Control Theory


Generator for solving Minesweeper using an SMT solver


  • Using SMT‑solver to solve each step of Minesweeper game.
  • Developed an encoding tool that t transforms a Minesweeper game into equations solvable by an SMT solver.
  • Implemented a custom Minesweeper game with extended functionality to support encoding generation.

Graph analysis library


  • Extension to the NetworkX.Graph class that implements multiple graph algorithms on it.
  • Included: DFS, extracting spanning tree/forest, finding connected components.
  • Computes statistics such as: degrees, eccentricity, subgraph radius/diameter, etc.
  • All the intermediate steps and results can be visualized with Matplotlib.

Meteorological data processing


  • Operates with: relative humidity, amount of rainfall, min/avg/max daily temperature, wind speed.
  • Calculates windowed average for every meteorology center.
  • Implementation is designed using OOP principles.

Pseudo‑random number generation


  • Implements ten random number generators with 10 different methods and four types of distribution.
  • Builds a histogram that illustrates the distribution of numbers at ten intervals.


I am just starting my PhD jorney, there are no publications yet.

My hobbies

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Board Games

I like to spent my free time playing different types of board games with my friends. For now I have about 20 games in my collection. Really want to try DND some day.


Not long ago I tryed it for the first time on the San Marcos river. Now, I'm exploring various new locations in Texas to enjoy both paddleboarding and swimming.

Playing guitar

When I was a child, I took piano lessons at a music school. After five years, I switched to the guitar, which I still play to this day. However, I would like to start playing the piano again soon.