My Teaching Background

My teaching experiences began during my undergraduate as I started tutoring high-school students privately with a goal to improve their grades.

My first student was had a STEM major in high-school (yes, they make you choose either STEM or business/management before starting high-school in Nepal) and was doing poorly in his exams. I started tutoring him with all my energy and soon enough, he started doing very well. In fact he became one of the top performers of his class.

My second student was not yet in high school so I taught him a range of courses including language, history, health, and mathematics. I was also able to improve his grades substantially although not as much as my first student.

After I came to the US for my Masters degree, I was assigned a TA role for two semesters of Digital Signal Processing course as well as Senior Design, helping 100+ students total

Right now, in the current semester of my PhD, I am assigned to be a DIA for the Internet Software development course.