Hongchi Shi > Research
Research Summary
Parallel Processing
The high computation requirements and the real-time constraints associated
with image processing and graphics rendering applications have resulted in
considerable interest in the development of parallel processing
- Software Environments for Parallel Image Processing
Parallel algebraic logic
One of his research areas extends his dissertation work on image algebra
and parallel environments for image processing. As a member of the university
and industry consortium led by the Lockheed Martin Corporation, he studied
the architectural support for image algebra and the design of parallel
algorithms for image processing under the image algebra framework.
Furthermore, he has been pursuing a new approach which combines image algebra
research with computational intelligence. The existing work on image algebra
focuses on its theoretical aspects and on direct implementation of image
algebra on computer systems. his new approach is to develop an intelligent
system to optimize signal and image processing algorithms specified in image
algebra at the application level and map the algorithms onto various hardware
architectures in an optimal way on the fly. The aim is to ultimately be able
to map algorithms onto adaptive, reconfigurable computer systems such as those
based on FPGAs. In the approach based on image algebra and computational
intelligence, the application-dependent features of signal and image
processing algorithms are specified using image algebra. Image algebra thus
serves as a powerful specification language, which allows algorithm
optimization at the application level. The approach also provides mechanisms
for specification of features of the underlying architecture. Computational
intelligence is used to reason about the optimal strategies to map the
algorithm (expressed as image algebra operations) onto the various
architectures based on user specified criteria. This is accomplished using a
performance knowledge base which stores information about the performance of
image algebra operations (and also algorithms) on various architectures.
Compilation techniques for programming the VGI parallel computer
Another research effort in this direction is the investigation of compilation
techniques for programming the VGI parallel computer for video, graphics, and
image processing. The VGI computer, developed by UC-Berkeley and DataFlow
Systems under the sponsorship of the Air Force Research Laboratory, is a
multi-threaded static dataflow computer intended for processing stream data
present in video, graphics, and image processing applications. He spent the
1998 summer in the Air Force Research Laboratory at Eglin AFB as a summer
faculty research fellow, and subsequently obtained a research contract from
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research on the study of programming models
and compilation techniques for programming the VGI computer. The VGI computer
consists of a large number of processors connected through reconfigurable
communication networks. Two connected processors use a simple handshake
protocol for communication and synchronization. A core problem that has to
be solved in development of a highly user-friendly software environment for
the user to use the VGI computer is how to effectively use the reconfigurable
networks to route the processors for any signal processing algorithm. Based
on graph folio theory, he developed an efficient algorithm for routing a
large number of processors of the VGI parallel computer for executing signal
processing programs.
- Parallel Algorithms for Image Processing and Graphics Rendering
Image component labeling and analysis
He developed an SIMD mesh algorithm for labeling image components, a
fundamental image processing problem. This algorithm provides a positive
answer to an open question posed by several researchers whether there exists
an O(n)-time and O(log n)-space local labeling algorithm for
labeling an n X n image on an n X n SIMD mesh connected computer.
The algorithm uses a pipeline mechanism with stack-like data structures to
achieve the lower bound of O(n) in time complexity and O(log n)
in space complexity. The algorithm has very small multiplicative constants in
its complexities by using only local parallel-shrink and label-propagate
operations. He also developed fast parallel algorithms for analysis of image
components, an important step towards understanding images.
Parallel algorithms for chromosome image segmentation
He reduced the chromosome image segmentation problem into a problem of
finding the shortest paths in a grid graph. He developed practical mesh
algorithms using a local cost-reducing operation for various forms of the grid
graph shortest path problem on mesh-connected computers. The algorithms are
very simple and can easily mark the vertices on the shortest paths between any
two vertices. The time complexity of the algorithm is proportional to the
maximum length of the shortest paths with a very small multiplicative
constant. Applying the algorithms with a suitable cost measure to the
chromosome image segmentation problem, we can more intelligently split touching
chromosomes in parallel.
Parallel techniques for volume graphics rendering
Volume rendering is essentially a process of presenting 3D information in
2D format. Due to the huge size of volume data, it is desirable to employ
parallel techniques for real-time rendering. The core process of a ray
casting algorithm is the projection of 3D volume data onto the 2D image plane.
Rays cast into the volume data may access voxels in different volume slices,
resulting in non-regular data access patterns that cannot be directly handled
by SIMD processor arrays. He developed two parallel algorithms, one for
orthographic projections and the other for perspective projects, based on a
projection decomposition idea. The projection is decomposed into a sequence of
transformations that can be efficiently implemented on SIMD processor arrays.
Each slice is transformed into an intermediate coordinate system in which each
new 2D slice maps to the same vertical position but each voxel in the slice
shifts to its new position in the same slice. Each new slice is scaled down
according to its distance to the view point. Finally, a parallel
perpendicular projection and a 2D-restoration are used to generate the 2D
image. We also implemented the algorithms on the PAL computer.
High-speed target classification and detection
He has developed a high-speed implementation of the morphological
shared-weight neural network (MSNN) on the PAL computer for automatic target
classification and detection. Although there is significant parallelism
inherent in the MSNN, it is a challenge to implement it on an SIMD parallel
computer consisting of a large array of simple processing elements.
The implementation partitions images into blocks as large as the processor
array and uses a block-first strategy to process the blocks. Considering the
long input/output latency, we process each block completely on the processor
array using neighborhood operations before we bring the next block into the
processor array for processing.
Distributed Multimedia and E-Learning
Distributed processing is a key supporting technology in the newly emerging
information society. When end-users access intranet resources or browse the
Internet from their desktops, distributed processing is behind virtually every
mouse-click. The success of distributed processing rests in our ability to
make it happen efficiently, reliably, and seamlessly.
Development of the Distributed Systems Laboratory
He has established the Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSL). DSL was
initially funded by NSF as a laboratory to support the CS courses in the
systems area. The laboratory also provides an excellent research
infrastructure for distributed processing research.
Fast algorithm for reconstructing motion compensated blocks in
compressed domain
Many distributed multimedia applications require processing compressed video
signals. For compression systems using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
with motion compensation, he developed a fast algorithm with Adaptive Low-Pass
Filtering (ALPF) to reconstruct blocks with motion vectors directly in the
compensated domain. Compared with the previous work, the algorithm is faster
and reduces blocky artifacts caused by quantization.
Distributed e-learning environment
Web-based e-learning offers many benefits over traditional learning
environments and has become one of the fastest growing markets in the
education industry. He has applied distributed processing techniques
and artificial intelligence methods to e-learning to better support a large
population of students with different learning styles and diverse learning
goals. He has investigated secure management of XML-based learning objects
and student profiles and has developed better ways of organizing learning
materials, modeling students, and delivering learning objects in a distributed
environment to support student-centered, self-paced, and highly-interactive
Neural Networks
Neural computing is a different parallel and distributed computing paradigm
modeling the computing necessary in biological systems. A neural network
is a network composed of a number of interconnected units called artificial
neurons. Each unit has an input/output characteristic and implements a local
computation or function. The output of any unit is determined by its
input/output characteristic, its interconnection to other units, and possible
external inputs. The computation concerned in neural networks is massively
distributed and parallel, and the major mechanism for program development in
neural networks is learning. Neural networks offer some potential for
approaching many currently unsolved problems. Recent advances in computer
architecture, especially the realization of relatively inexpensive, massively
parallel systems, have made the implementation of neural networks more
He has done work on morphological shared-weight neural networks and
associative memory models and algorithms.
Morphological shared-weight neural networks
In target classification and detection problems, feature extraction and
decision-making are important components. A heterogeneous neural network that
can learn feature extraction and classification simultaneously is very
appealing. The morphological shared-weight neural network (MSNN) proposed
by Gader is such a neural network. He has been actively involved with
improvement of the MSNN by incorporating entropy in the objective function for
the learning process and its application to target classification and
detection in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. He has also developed a
high-speed implementation of the MSNN on the PAL computer for automatic target
classification and detection.
Associative memory models and algorithms
Many researchers have studied associative memories based on the the concept of
energy function. The use of energy function relies on the assumption of
symmetric connection weights in associative memories. The assumption has been
recognized as a main drawback of associative memories. He defined a new
concept "supporting function" to replace the concept of energy function.
Based on the concept of supporting function, he has proposed general models
for auto-associative and bidirectional associative memories and formulated the
information retrieval process as a dynamic system and explored the stability
and attraction conditions. He has also developed better learning algorithms
based on Rosenblatt's perceptron rule and demonstrated their effectiveness
through experiments. Furthermore, the learning algorithms can adaptively
control the shape of basin of attraction around each attractor to better learn
the variants of each attractor.
Wireless Sensor Networks
The remarkable advances in computing, wireless communication, and
sensing/actuating along with the miniaturization of low-power computing,
communication, and sensing/actuating devices are enabling a significant
change in how systems can sense and manipulate their physical environment.
Research in such distributed systems of wireless sensors, referred to as
wireless sensor networks, is emerging. He has started research on some
important issues such as localization of sensor nodes, topology control to
reduce energy consumption, and data routing in wireless sensor networks.
Development of Distributed Computing and Sensor Networks Laboratory
He has co-developed the Distributed
Computing and Sensor Networks Laboratory to support his research work in
the emerging research area of wireless sensor networks. The laboratory was
set up with equipment including Berkeley Motes purchased through an NSF grant,
enabling faculty, post-docs, and graduate students to conduct research
on the key technical issues related to utilization and deployment of wireless
sensor networks in real-world applications.
Sensor network localization
Localizing sensor nodes in a distributed system of wireless sensors is an
essential process for self-organizing wireless sensor networks. Localization
is a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks, and the behavior of
localization has not been thoroughly studied. He formulated the quantized
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) based localization as a parameter
estimation problem and derived the Cramer-Rao lower bound for the localization
problem. He has studied the effects of quantization level and network
configuration parameters on the lower bound of localization error variance to
better understand the relationship between network configuration and
localization accuracy. He has also designed several sensor network
localization algorithms, and they achieve better localization accuracy compared
with previous algorithms.
Topology control in sensor networks
The topology control problem in wireless sensor networks is to control the
wireless transmission device of each wireless sensor node so that the total
network energy consumption is reduced while the network connectivity is
maintained at some level. The topology control approaches used in most of
the existing research work can be categorized into two types:
active-subnetwork and short-hops. They perform the best in different network
conditions. He has developed a topology control algorithm that integrates
the two approaches. The new algorithm achieves better performance in terms of
energy saving than both active-subnetwork and short-hops algorithms for
networks with a wide range of node densities.