Research Interests
- Delay Tolerant Networks
- Sensor Networks
- Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
Heterogeneous Sensor Networks |
Delay Tolerant Networks |
Wireless Sensor Networks |
Ad hoc Wireless Networks |
- NSF REU site:``Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Edge Computing", Senior Personnel, $389,995, 2022-2025.
- NSF REU site: ``Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Smart & Connected Communities", Senior Personnel, $379,812, 2018-2021.
- NSF/ICPP-TCPP/CDER Center Early Adopter award, PI, Fall 2015.
- Travel grant for attending Fed4FIRE-GENI Research Experiment Summit (FGRE 2015) held in Ghent University, Belgium, summer 2015.
- NSF CC*IIE Networking Infrastructure: Enabling and Improving Data-Driven Research at Texas State University, PI, $499,896, 2014-2016.
- NSF II-NEW: Shared High Performance Data Center, Co-PI, 10/1/2013-10/1/2016, $375,759.
- NSF REU on Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems, Senior Personnel, $340k, 2012-2015.
- NSF REU supplement grant to CNS 0835834, $16k, 2009-2010.
- NSF CNS 0835834, A Novel Information Model for Efficient Routing Protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks with General Mobility, Co-PI, $60k, 2008-2010.
- Library Research Grant, Texas State, PI, $1415, 2008.
- Travel grant for attending IEEE MASS held in Washington DC, 2005.
- Texas State REP, Secure Group Key Distribution Protocols for Multicast Communication, PI, $8k, 2002-2003.
- Texas State REP, Fault-Tolerant Routing Design using a Self-Stablizing Information Model in Grid-Based networks, PI, $8k, 2000-2001.
- Texas State REP, A Self-Stablizing Information Model in Grid-Based Networks, PI, $8k, 1999-2000.
- Summer research grant, PI, Texas State, $2000, 2000.
- Travel grant for attending IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing held in Madison, Wisconsin, 1999.
Invited Talks
- Invited talk in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences, Temple University, Pennslyvania, Oct. 2011.
- Invited talk in the College of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China, January 2010.
- Invited talk in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, January 2010 and 2009.
- Invited talk in the College of Information Engineering, Chengdu Institute of Technology, Chengdu, China, May 2004.
- Invited talk at DIMACS center on "Multicasting: Architecture, Algorithms, and Applications", Rutgers University, New Jersey, May 2001.