Parallel Task Scheduling

Task Scheduling

Given a Standard Task Graph (STG) file and an optional Communication-Computation-Ratio (CCR), a Standard Task Graph Result (STGR) file will be generated with parameter calculations and scheduling decisions. The full details of the algorithm can be found in this pdf: algorithm.



The input will include: a valid STG file and an optional CCR. CCR should be between 0.1 and 10. If a CCR is not given, 1 is used as the default to calculate the communication cost among tasks. The input is read from the command line. For example: task_scheduler example.stg 5



The program will generate output files including: the intermediate source code file (with the running code for the according DAG) and the result file with the Parameters Calculation Results and the Scheduling Decisions. Given an example DAG with the name "example.stg," the output files should include "example.cpp," which is the intermediate executable file and the "example.stgr," which should show the results  as linked above.


Pregenerated STG & STGR files

How to make STGs (Waseda University)

Analyze a Standard Task Graph (STG) file