Goal: Reduce computational burden for rendering of a scene without reducing its perceptual quality.
Implementation: Eye-gaze position indicates the area
of a scene that requires high-quality coding. Peripheral part of the
scene is encoded with lower quality according to a visual sensitivity function that accounts for
distribution of the light sensing cells in the human eye. Such approach
allows substantial reduction of the computational or/and bandwidth requirements without a viewer
noticing rendering artifacts.
Project Status: Looking for students who will investigate various aspects of foveated rendering.
Komogortsev, O. Gaze-Contingent Video Compression with Targeted Gaze Containment Performance. Journal of Electronic Imaging,
July - September 2009 issue. [.pdf]
Komogortsev, O., Khan, J., Predictive Compression for Real Time Multimedia Communication Using Eye Movement Analysis, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications Journal, Vol. 4 Issue 3, August 2008, pp. 23:1-23:16.
[video set][.pdf]
Komogortsev, O., Khan, J., Kalman Filtering in the Design of Eye-Gaze-Guided Computer Interfaces, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2007), Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007. pp. 679-689. [.pdf][project][conference info]
Komogortsev, O., Khan J., Perceptual Multimedia Compression Based on the Predictive Kalman Filter Eye Movement Modeling, In Proceedings of the Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN 2007), San Jose, California, Jan 28 – Feb 1. [.pdf][video set][conference info]
Khan J., Komogortsev O., A Hybrid Scheme for Perceptual Object Window Design with Joint Scene Analysis and Eye-Gaze Tracking for Media Encoding based on Perceptual Attention,
In Journal of Electronic Imaging 15(02), April 2006. [.pdf][video set][journal info]
Komogortsev, O., Khan J., Perceptual Attention Focus Prediction for Multiple Viewers in Case of Multimedia Perceptual Compression with Feedback Delay, In
Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium (ETRA 06), San Diego, March 27-29, 2006, pp. 101-108. [.pdf] [video set][conference info]
Komogortsev, O., Khan J., Perceptual Media Compression for Multiple Viewers with Feedback Delay, In Proceedings of the 13th
ACM International conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2005),
Singapore, Nov 6-1, 2005, pp. 796-797. [.pdf] [video set][conference info]
Komogortsev, O., Khan J., Predictive Perceptual Compression for Real Time Video Communication, In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2004), New York, Oct 10-16, 2004, pp. 220-227. (best student paper candidate). [.pdf] [video set] [conference info]
Komogortsev, O., Khan J., Contour Approximation for Faster Object based Transcoding with Higher Perceptual Quality, In Proceedings of the Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2004), Kauai, Hawaii, Aug 17-19, 2004, ISBN 0-88986-418-7, pp. 441-446. [.pdf] [conference info]
Khan J., Komogortsev O., Perceptual Video Compression with Combined Scene Analysis and Eye-Gaze Tracking, In Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium (ETRA 2004), San Antonio, Texas, March 22-24, 2004, pp. 57-57. [.pdf][conference info]
Khan J., Komogortsev O., A Hybrid Scheme for Perceptual Object Window Design with Joint Scene Analysis and Eye-Gaze Tracking for Media Encoding based on Perceptual Attention, In Proceedings of the IS&T/ SPIE Symposium of Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 (EI04) Electronic Imaging 2004, SPIE Vol. 5308, San Jose, California, January 18-22, 2004, pp. 1341-1352. [.pdf] [conference info]