Selected publications from 130

Please refer to my resume for a complete listing of all my publications

  1. Debnath, M., Chang, J., Bhandari, K., Nagy, D. J., Insperger, T., Milton, J. G., & Ngu, AHH. (2024). Pole balancing on the fingertip: model-motivated machine learning forecasting of falls. Frontiers in physiology, 15, version

  2. Haque S.T., Ni J., Li J., Yan Y., Ngu AHH. (2024): “LightHART: Lightweight Human Activity Recognition Transformer”, to appear in 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition”, Dec 01-05, 2024, Kolkata, India.

  3. . Yasmin A., Mahmud T., Debnath M., Ngu AHH. (2024): “An Empirical Study on AI-Powered Edge Computing Architectures for Real-Time IoT Applications”, IEEE Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2024), July2-4, Osaka, Japan.

  4. Debnath M., Kabir Md. S., Ni J., Ngu AHH.(2024): “The Impact of Synthetic Data on Fall Detection Application”, 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2024)”, July 9-12, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

  5. Ngu. AHH. , Eyitayo J., Yang G., Campbell C., Sheng QZ. Ni J. (2021). An IoT Edge Computing Framework using Cordova Accessor Host. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, April, 2021. online version

  6. Mauldin, T., Ngu. AHH. , Metsis, V., Canby, M. (2020). Ensemble Deep Learning on Wearables using Small Datasets. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2(1), December 2020. online version

  7. Mauldin, T., Canby, M., Metsis, V., Ngu. AHH. & Riveria, C. (2018). SmartFall: A Smartwatch-based Fall Detection System Using Deep Learning. Sensors, 18(10), 3363. online version

  8. Ngu, AHH.,, Tseng P., Paliwal M., Carpenter C., Stipe W., Smartwatch-based IoT Fall Detection Application, Proceedings of the Internationa Workshop on Very large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2018), August 31, 2018, Rio De Janerio, Brazil. online version

  9. Ngu, AHH.,, Nepal, S., Sheng, Q., Gutierrez, M., Metsis, V., IoT Middleware: A Survey on Issues and Technologies. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4(1), 2017, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2016.2615180

  10. Yao L, Sheng, Q., Ngu, AHH, Li. X., Things of Interest Recommendation by Leveraging Heterogeneous Relations in Internet of Things, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT),Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2016.

  11. 3. Noor T. H., Sheng, Q., Yao, L., Dustdar, S., Ngu AHH, “CloudArmor: Supporting Reputation-based Trust Management for cloud Services, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 27, No. 2, February, 2016.

  12. Gutierrez M, Fast M., Ngu AHH., Gao B., Real-Time Prediction of Blood Alcohol Content Using Smartwatch Sensor Data, International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH 2015), November, Phoenix, Arizona, 2015

  13. Ngu, Anne H.H. and Ma, Jiangang and Sheng, Quan Z. and Yao, Lina and Julian, Scott, ServiceXplorer: A Similarity-based Web Service Search Engine, SIGIR-2014, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 978-1-4503-2257-7, 2014. online version

  14. T.H. Noor, Q. Sheng, AHH. Ngu, S. Dustdar, Analysis of Web-Scale Cloud Services, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 18, No. 4, July/August, 2014, ISBN:1089-7801.

  15. Chelsea Hicks, Matthew Scheffer, Anne H.H. Ngu. Quan Z. Sheng, Discovery and Cataloging of Deep Web Sources, IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, August, 2012. online version
  16. AHH. Ngu, Jamnagarwala A., Chin G., Sivaramakrishnan G., Critchlow T., Kepler Scientific Workflow Design and Execution with Contexts, Internal Journal of Computers and Their Applications, Vol. 18, No. 3, special issue on scientific workflows, September, 2011.

  17. AHH. Ngu, Carlson M.P., Sheng Q.Z., Paik H., Semantic-based Mashup of Composite Applications, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 2-15, 2010.

  18. AHH. Ngu, Jamnagarwala A., Chin G., Sivaramakrishnan G., Critchlow T., Context-Aware Scientific Workflow Systems, Journal of Business Process Management and Integration,Vol. 5, No. 1, special issue on scientific workflows , 2010.

  19. AHH. Ngu, D. Rocco, T. Critchlow, D. Buttler, "Automatic Discovery and Inferencing of Complex Bioinformatics Web Interfaces", Journal of World Wide Web: Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No.4, December, 2005. Online version

  20. LZ Zeng, B. Benatallah, AHH. Ngu, M. Dumas, J. Kalagnanam, H. Cheng, "QoS-Aware Middleware for Web Services Composition", IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Vol 30, No. 5, 2004. Online version

  21. M. Nodine, AHH. Ngu,A. Cassandra and W. Bohrer "Scalable Semantic Brokering over Dynamic Heterogeneous Data Sources in InfoSleuth", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol. 15, No. 5, 2003. Online version

  22. B. Medjahed, B. Benatallah, A. Bouguettaya, AHH. Ngu, A. Elmagarmid, "Business-to-Business Interactions: Issues and Enabling Technologies", VLDB Journal, Vol. 12, No.1 , May 2003. Online version

  23. LZ. Zeng, B. Benatallah, H. Lei, AHH. Ngu, D. Flaxer and H. Chang, "Flexible Composition of Enterprise Web Services", International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Business Media, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2003. Online version

  24. AHH Ngu, Q. Sheng, D. Huynh, and R. Lei, "Combing Multi Visual Features for Efficient Indexing in A Large Image Database", The VLDB Journal, Springer Verlag, Vol 9, No 4, March 2001. Online version

  25. AHH. Ngu, B. Harangsri, J. Shepherd, "Query Size Estimation for Joins Using Systematic Sampling", Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, Vol. 15, No. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

  26. N. Nabil, AHH Ngu and J. Shepherd, "Modelling and Retrieval of Moving Objects", International Journal on Multimedia Applications and Tools, Kluwer Academic Press, Vol. 13, No.1, January 2001. Online version

  27. U. Srinivasan, AHH. Ngu and T.Gedeon, "Managing Heterogeneous Information Systems through Discovery and Retrieval of Generic Concepts", Journal of American Society of Information Science, John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 51, No 8, May 2000. Online version

  28. L. Zheng, AHH. Ngu and B. Benatallah, "On Demand Business-to-Business Integration", Nineth International Conference on Cooperative Information System (CoopIS) , Trento, Italy, September, 2001. Online version

  29. J. Shen, AHH. Ngu, J. Shepherd, D. Huynh, QZ. Sheng, "CMVF: A Novel Dimension Reducation Scheme for Efficient Indexing in a Large Image Database", Demo paper at SIGMOD 2003. Online version

  30. Y. Liu, AHH. Ngu, LZ. Zeng, "QoS Computation and Policing in Dynamic Web Service Selection", WWW2004, May 17-20, New York, USA. online version

  31. L. Zheng, B. Benatallah and AHH. Ngu, "AgFlow: Agent-based Cross-Enterprise Workflow Management System", Demo paper at VLDB 2001. Online version

  32. AHH. Ngu, D. Georgakopoulos, D. Baker, A. Cichocki, "Advanced Process-based Component Integration In Telcordia's Cable OSS", 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, USA, February, 2002. Online version

  33. B. Benatallah, M. Dumas, QZ. Sheng and AHH. Ngu, "Declarative Composition and Peer-to-Peer Provisioning of Dynamic Web Services", 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, San Jose, USA, February, 2002. Online version

  34. M. Nodine, W. Bohrer and AHH. Ngu, "Semantic Multibrokering over Dynamic Heterogeneous Data Sources in InfoSleuth", Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), March, Sydney Australia, 1999.

  35. AHH. Ngu, "Specification of Cooperative Constraints in Virtual Enterprise", Nineth International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering: Virtual Enterprise RIDE-VE'99 , March, Sydney Australia, 1999. Online version

  36. M. Nabil, AHH Ngu, and J. Shepherd, "Picture Similarity Retrieval using 2D Projection Interval Relationships", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol.8, No 4, August 1996, p533-539. Online version

  37. AHH Ngu, R. Meersman, and H. Weigand, "Specification and Verification of Communication Constraints for Interoperable Transaction", International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), Vol. 3, No 1, 1994, p47-65. Online ps version

  38. AHH Ngu, LS Wong, and S. Widjojo, "On Canonical and Non-Canonical Classifications", The 2nd International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD'91), Munich, Germany, 1991.

  39. AHH Ngu, "Conceptual Transaction Modelling", IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol.1, No4, 1989, p508-518.