Journals and book chapters:
- Ahmed Anwar, George Atia and Mina Guirguis "A Game-Theoretic Framework for the Virtual Machines Migration Timing Problem". The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, March 2019.
- Ahmed Anwar, Janiece Kelly, George Atia and Mina Guirguis "Pinball Attacks Against Dynamic Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks". The Elsevier International Journal of Computer Communications, May 2019.
- Ahmed Anwar, George Atia and Mina Guirguis "Adaptive Topologies Against Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks: A Game-Theoretic Approach". The Elsevier International Journal of Network and Computer Applications, November 2018.
- Mina Guirguis, Qijun Gu, Terry Penner, Lavanya Tammineni, Thomas Langford, Agustin Rivera Longoria, Alison Johnson and Brandon Van Slyke "Assignment and Collaborative Execution of Tasks on Transient Clouds". Springer Annals of Telecommunications, August 2017.
- Andrea Sciarrone, Igor Bisio, Fabio Lavagetto, Terrence Penner and Mina Guirguis "Context-Awareness over Transient Cloud in D2D networks: Energy Performance Analysis and Evaluation". Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, John Wiley & Sons Lt, November 2015.
- Qijun Gu and Mina Guirguis "Secure Mobile Cloud Computing and Security Issues". In K. Han, B. Choi and S. Song, High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications, Chapter 3, Springer, New York, 2014.
- Christopher Page, Emad Guirguis and Mina Guirguis. "Performance Evaluation of Path Splicing on the GEANT and the Sprint Networks". The Elsevier International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking
(COMNET), Volume 55, Issue 17, Pages 3947–3958, December 2011.
- Mina Guirguis and Jason Valdez. "Traffic Shaping via Congestion Signals Delegation". The IARIA International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2010.
- W. Connell, D. Tamir and M. Guirguis. "Lexical Steganography Using Prime Based Mimic Functions". The International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros, Ibrahim Matta and Yuting Zhang. "Adversarial Exploits of End-Systems Adaptation Dynamics". The Elsevier International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Volume 67, Issue 3, Pages 318-335, March 2007.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Exogenous-Loss Aware Traffic Management in Overlay Networks: Toward Global Fairness" .The Computer Networks Journal (COMNET): The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Volume 50, Issue 13, Pages 2331-2348, September 2006.
Conference and Workshop Proceedings:
- Javad Mokhtari Koushyar, Mina Guirguis and George Atia "Hindering Search and Rescue Missions with Selective Wireless Jamming Attacks". In proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA), May 2024.
- Alireza Tahsini, Noah Dunstatter, Mina Guirguis and Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed "DeepBLOC: A Framework for Securing CPS through Deep Reinforcement Learning on Stochastic Games". In proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), June 2020.
- Noah Dunstatter, Alireza Tahsini, Mina Guirguis and Jelena Tešić "Solving Cyber Alert Allocation Markov Games With Deep Reinforcement Learning". In proceedings of the 10th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), Stockholm, Sweden, October 2019.
- Ahmed Anwar, George Atia and Mina Guirguis "Towards a Protected Cloud Against Side Channel Attacks: A Game Theoretic Framework". In proceedings of Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, October 2018.
- Clara Novoa, Khan Siddique, Mina Guirguis and Alireza Tahsini. "A Game-Theoretic Two-Stage Stochastic
Programing Model to Protect CPS against Attacks". In proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Porto, Portugal, July 2018.
- Ahmed Anwar, George Atia and Mina Guirguis."It’s Time to Migrate! A Game-Theoretic Framework for Protecting a Multi-tenant
Cloud against Collocation Attacks". In proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), San Francisco, CA, July 2018.
- Noah Dunstatter, Mina Guirguis and Alireza Tahsini. "Allocating Security Analysts to Cyber Alerts Using Markov Games". In proceedings of the National Cyber Summit (NCS), Huntsville, AL, June 2018.
- Mina Guirguis, Alireza Tahsini, Khan Siddique, Clara Novoa, Justin Moore, Christine Julien and Noah Dunstatter. "BLOC: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Orchestrate CPS against Cyber Attacks". In proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Beijing , China, May 2018.
- Ahmed Anwar, George Atia and Mina Guirguis. "Dynamic Game-Theoretic Defense Approach against Stealthy
Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks". In proceedings of Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, October 2017.
- Aaron Schlenker, Haifeng Xu, Mina Guirguis, Chris Kiekintveld, Arunesh Sinha, Milind Tambe, Solomon Sonya, Darryl Balderas, and Noah Dunstatter. "Don't Bury your Head in Warnings: A Game-Theoretic Approach for Intelligent Allocation of Cyber-security Alerts". In proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, August 2017.
- Aaron Schlenker, Haifeng Xu, Chris Kiekintveld, Arunesh Sinha, Milind Tambe, Mina Guirguis, Solomon Sonya, Darryl Balderas, and Noah Dunstatter. "Towards a Game-theoretic Framework for Intelligent Cyber-security Alert Allocation". In proceedings of the 3rd IJCAI workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory, Melbourne, Australia, August 2017.
- Terry Penner and Mina Guirguis. "Combating the Bandits in the Cloud: A Moving Target Defense Approach". In proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID), Madrid, Spain, May 2017. [one of the two candidate papers for the best student paper award].
- Lavanya Tammineni and Mina Guirguis. "Toward Local Overlay-based Mobile Clouds". In proceedings of the Smart Cloud Networks and Systems Confercence (SCNS), Dubai UAE, December 2016.
- Ahmed Anwar, George Atia and Mina Guirguis. "Game Theoretic Defense Approach to Wireless Networks Against Stealthy Decoy Attacks". In proceedings of Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, October 2016.
- Araceli Ortiz and Mina Guirguis. "Measuring the Impact of Unique Entry-Level Instructional Course Modules Designed to Inspire Computer Science Interest". In proceedings of the Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, June 2016.
- Janiece Kelly, Mina Guirguis and George Atia "Pinball Attacks: Exploiting Channel Allocation in Wireless Networks". In proceedings of the IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
- Andrea Sciarrone, Igor Bisio, Fabio Lavagetto, Terrence Penner and Mina Guirguis "Context Awareness over Transient Clouds". In proceedings of the IEEE Globecom, San Diego, CA, December 2015.
- Ahmed Anwar, Janiece Kelly, George Atia, and Mina Guirguis "Stealthy Edge Decoy Attacks Against Dynamic Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks". In proceedings of the International Conference for Military Communications (Milcom), Tampa, FL, October 2015.
- Heather Hinze, Mike Ruth and Mina Guirguis "Disrupting Adaptive Traffic Lights Cycles through Selective Jamming Attacks". In proceedings of the IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Glasgow, UK, May 2015.
- Terry Penner, Alison Johnson, Brandon Van Slyke, Mina Guirguis and Qijun Gu "Demo: Transient Clouds". In proceedings of MobiCASE, Demo, Austin, TX, November 2014.
- Vu Nguyen, Mina Guirguis and George Atia "A Framework for Identifying Stealthy Attacks on Mobile CPS Applications". In proceedings of Symposium on the Control of Network Systems (SCONES), Poster, Boston, MA, October 2014.
- Terry Penner, Alison Johnson, Brandon Van Slyke, Mina Guirguis and Qijun Gu "Transient Clouds: Assignment and Collaborative Execution of Tasks on Mobile Devices ". In proceedings of IEEE Globecom, Austin, TX, December 2014.
- Vu Nguyen, Mina Guirguis and George Atia "A Unifying Approach for the Identification of
Application-driven Stealthy Attacks on Mobile CPS". In proceedings of the 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, October 2014.
- Terry Penner, Alison Johnson, Mina Guirguis and Qijun Gu "Transient Clouds: Assignment and Collaborative Execution of Tasks on Mobile Devices". Grace Hopper Conference, Poster Session, Minneapolis, MN, October 2013.
- Thomas Langford, Qijun Gu, Agustin Rivera-Longoria and Mina Guirguis "Collaborative Computing On-Demand: Harnessing Mobile Devices in Executing On-the-Fly Jobs ". In proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), ZheJiang, China, October 2013.
- Trevor Hanz and Mina Guirguis "An Abstraction Layer for Controlling Heterogeneous Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems". In proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Madison, WI, August 2013.
- David Reynolds and Mina Guirguis "Control Theoretic Adaptive Monitoring Tools for the Android Platform ". In proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Security Auditing, Santa Clara, CA, June 2013.
- Mina Guirguis and George Atia "Stuck in Traffic (SiT) Attacks: A Framework for Identifying Stealthy Attacks that Cause Traffic Congestion". In proceedings of the IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Dresden, Germany, June 2013. [arXiv version]
- Janiece Kelly, Seth Richter and Mina Guirguis "Stealthy Attacks on Pheromone Swarming Methods". In proceedings of the IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA February, 2013.
- Emad Guirguis, Mina Guirguis and Nikhil Halkude "A Case for Low-level Jamming Attacks on Mobile CPS in Target Tracking Applications". In proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, San Marcos, TX, December 2012.
- Mina Guirguis, Robert Ogden, Zhaochen Song, Sobit Thapa and Qijun Gu. "Can you Help Me Run These Code Segments on Your Mobile Device?". In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference, Houston, Texas, December, 2011.
- Jason Valdez, Mina Guirguis, David Wingate and Rory Rinkevich "An Expanding Reference Library for Peer-to-Peer Content". In Proceedings of Sixth APWG eCrime Researchers Summit (eCRS'11), San Diego, California, November 2011.
- Emad Guirguis, Mina Guirguis and Christopher Page. "SKWeak Attacks on Path Splicing: Vulnerability Assessment and Defense Mechanisms". In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference, Miami, Florida, December, 2010.
- Wesley Connell, Dan Tamir and Mina Guirguis. "Prime-based Mimic Functions for the Implementation of Covert Channels". In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication, Networking and Information Security, Beijing, China, June 2010.
- Christopher Page and Mina Guirguis. "On the Safety and Security of Path Splicing: A Case Study for Path Splicing on the GEANT Network". In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom'09), Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2009.
- Christian McArthur and Mina Guirguis. "Stealthy IP Prefix Hijacking Attacks". In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom'09), Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2009.
- Mina Guirguis, Jason Valdez, Bassam El Lababedi and Joseph Valdez. "Burn Before Reading: A Stealthy Framework for Combating Live Forensics Investigations". In Proceedings of 4th APWG eCrime Researchers Summit, Tacoma, Washington, October 2009.
- Mina Guirguis and Hideo Goto. "HELP:// Hypertext in-Emergency Leveraging Protocol". In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'09), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- Mina Guirguis, Joshua Tharp, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Assessment of Vulnerability of Content Adaptation Mechanisms to RoQ Attacks". In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Networks (ICN'09), Gosier, Guadeloupe, March 2009.
- Mina Guirguis and Jason Valdez. "Masquerading a Wired Covert Channel into a Wireless-like Channel". In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Network Security and Privacy (NSP'08), Austin, Texas, December 2008.
- Christian McArthur and Mina Guirguis. "Stealthy IP Prefix Hijacking: Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew". In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, Poster Session Paper, Seattle, Washington, August 2008.
- Jason Valdez and Mina Guirguis. "Liberating TCP: The Free and the Stunts". In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networks (ICN'08), Cancun, Mexico, April 2008.
- Joshua Tharp and Mina Guirguis. "Reduction of Quality Attacks on Content Adaptation Mechanisms". In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid'07), Poster Session Paper, Austin, Texas, September 2007.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros, Ibrahim Matta and Yuting Zhang. "Reduction of Quality (RoQ) Attacks on Dynamic Load Balancers: Vulnerability Assessment and Design Tradeoffs". In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE INFOCOM (INFOCOM'07), Anchorage, Alaska, May 2007.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "On the Impact of Low-Rate Attacks". In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'06), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
- Yuting Zhang, Azer Bestavros, Mina Guirguis, Ibrahim Matta and Rich West. "Friendly Virtual Machines: Leveraging a Feedback-Control Model for Application Adaptation". In Proceedings of the first ACM/USENIX Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE'05), Chicago, Illinois, June 2005.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros, Ibrahim Matta and Yuting Zhang. "Reduction of Quality (RoQ) Attacks on Internet End-Systems". In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE INFOCOM (INFOCOM'05), Miami, Florida, March, 2005.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Routing Tradeoffs inside a d-dimensional Torus with applicability to CAN". In Proceedings of the 1st International Computer Engineering Conference New Technologies for the Information Society (ICENCO'04), Cairo, Egypt, December 2004.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Bandwidth Stealing via Link Targeted RoQ Attacks". In Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on Communication and Computer Networks (CCN'04), Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2004.
- Gali Diamant, Leonid Veytser, Ibrahim Matta, Azer Bestavros, Mina Guirguis, Liang Guo, Yuting Zhang and Sean Chen. "itmBench: Generalized API for Internet Traffic Managers". In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Globecom Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD'04), Dallas, Texas, November 2004.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Exploiting the Transients of Adaptation for RoQ Attacks on Internet Resources". In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'04), Berlin, Germany, October 2004.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Adaptation=Vulnerability: Under RoQ Attacks". In ACM SIGCOMM 2004, Poster Session Paper, Portland, Oregon, September 2004.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros, Ibrahim Matta, Niky Riga, Gali Diamant and Yuting Zhang. "Providing Soft Bandwidth Guarantees Using Elastic TCP-based Tunnels". In proceedings of the 9th IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications (ISCC'2004), Alexandria, Egypt, July 2004.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "XQM: eXogenous-loss aware Queue Management". In IEEE ICNP 2003, Poster Session Paper, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2003.
Technical Reports:
- Mina Guirguis and George Atia. "Stuck in Traffic (SiT) Attacks: A Framework for Identifying Stealthy Attacks that Cause Traffic Congestion". Available on arXiv, October 2012.
- Jason Valdez and Mina Guirguis. "Liberating TCP: The Free and the Stunts", TXSTATE-CS-TR-2008-10, January 2008.
- Yuting Zhang, Azer Bestavros, Mina Guirguis, Ibrahim Matta and Rich West. "Friendly Virtual Machines: Leveraging a Feedback-Control Model for Application Adaptation", BU-TR 2004-030, July 19, 2004.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Exploiting the Transients of Adaptation for RoQ Attacks on Internet Resources", BU-TR 2004-005, January 30, 2004.
- Gali Diamant, Leonid Veytser, Ibrahim Matta, Azer Bestavros, Mina Guirguis, Liang Guo, Yuting Zhang and Sean Chen. "itmBench: Generalized API for Internet Traffic Managers", BU-TR 2003-032, December 16, 2003.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros, Ibrahim Matta, Niky Riga, Gali Diamant and Yuting Zhang. "Providing Soft Bandwidth Guarantees Using Elastic TCP-based Tunnels", BU-TR 2003-028, December 2, 2003.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "Exogenous-Loss Awareness in Queue Management: Toward Global Fairness", BU-TR 2003-026, December 2, 2003.
- Mina Guirguis, Azer Bestavros and Ibrahim Matta. "On the Efficiency and Fairness of Transmission Control Loops: A Case for Exogenous Losses", BU-TR 2003-013, May 16, 2003.