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Professor 2015-present, ECL, CS, TX State
Associate Professor 2010-2015, ECL, CS, TX State
Research Scientist 2007-2010, ISS, ICES, UT Austin
Assistant Professor 2000-2007, CSL, ECE, Cornell

PhD (2000), Computer Science, CU Boulder
MS (1996), Computer Science, ETH Zurich
BS (1994), Computer Science, ETH Zurich

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Martin's head shot

Recent Highlights
We just released our very fast and effective lossless compressors for single- and double-precision floating-point data that are fully compatible between CPUs and GPUs.

LC, our tool for automatically generating high-performance data compressors, is now publicly available on GitHub. Follow the tutorial to try it out!

We released the Indigo3 benchmark suite. It contains over 30,000 labeled buggy and bug-free parallel C, C++, OpenMP, and CUDA codes with lots of inputs. The suite is described in our TOPC'24 paper.

Short Biography
Martin Burtscher is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University. He received the BS/MS degree from ETH Zurich and the PhD degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Martin's current research focuses on the parallelization of graph algorithms and complex programs for GPUs as well as on the synthesis of high-speed lossy and lossless data-compression algorithms. He has co-authored about 135 peer-reviewed scientific publications, which have been cited over 7100 times. Martin is a distinguished member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE.

Martin is among the top 2% of scientists worldwide in his field according to a study from Stanford. He has obtained millions of dollars in research funding from the DOE, NSF, DARPA, NVIDA, Intel, and Microsoft. He has published papers in top venues like ASPLOS, HPDC, ICS, IPDPS, MICRO, PLDI, PPOPP, SC, and SIGMETRICS. He has received 2 best-paper awards and 4 research awards. He has presented 3 keynotes. He consistently receives some of his department's highest course evaluations. He has received 3 teaching awards and 3 favorite professor awards. He has served as faculty mentor for 4 assistant professors. He has co-founded and organized 17 workshops and tutorials. He served on the advisory board of 2 companies and has consulted for 6 companies.

Current Research
High-Performance Computing (HPC): GPU computing, parallel algorithm design, data compression, graph analytics, algorithm synthesis, performance optimization, energy efficiency

The CS department at Texas State ranks in the top 35 nationally and the top 50 worldwide in HPC.

Efficient Computing Laboratory
Martin directs the Efficient Computing Laboratory (ECL). Its research goals are developing general strategies for parallelizing complex and irregular programs, creating techniques to automatically synthesize high-performance data-compression algorithms, and designing optimizations to improve performance and energy efficiency. Animations and more information are available here.

Faster computations and better algorithms can help save lives, solve health problems, increase safety, improve the environment, and keep us connected. At this point, parallelization is the primary way to make more powerful and energy-efficient computers possible. As we are reaching the limits of human ability, automatic synthesis is the most promising avenue for creating new and improved algorithms.

LC (high-speed lossy data compression framework) [DOE/ASCR - DRS]
PECOS (simulation of inductively coupled plasma torch) [DOE/NNSA - PSAAP III]
CIVIC (verification of irregular parallel programs) [NSF/CCF - SHF]

GPU computing (MST, SCC, GC, MIS, CC, recurrences, prefix scans, graph algorithms, n-body, TSP)
[IPDPS'25b] [SC'24] [IISWC'24a] [TOPC'24] [SC'23b] [SC'23c] [MCHPC'22] [TOPC'22] [PDSEC'22] [SC'21] [PPoPP'20] [TOPC'18] [HPDC'18] [ASPLOS'18] [AGRP'16a] [AGRP'16b] [PLDI'16] [HPPAC'16] [HCW'16] [Cluster'15] [PDPTA'15] [GPGPU'15a] [GPGPU'15b] [GPCDP'14] [IISWC'14] [NAS'14] [SAC'14] [GPGPU'14] [HPCwire'14] [IPCCC'13] [PASA'13] [PDPTA'13] [IPDPS'13b] [GPGPU'13] [PPoPP'13] [IISWC'12] [PPoPP'12] [PDPTA'11b] [GPGPU'11] [GCG'11]
Parallel computing (parallelization, irregular programs, verification suite, tracing, race tolerance, HPC)
[IJPP'25] [IISWC'24b] [EDULEARN'24] [IPDPSW'24] [SC'23a] [SC'22] [ISPASS'22] [PPoPP'21] [ICCAD'19] [Cluster'19] [ESPT'18] [EduHPC'18] [WOSET'18] [SIGCSE'15] [EduPDHPC'13] [IPDPS'13a] [ICS'12] [TC'12] [PPoPP'12] [PLDI'11] [LCPC'10] [PPoPP'10] [ISPASS'09] [PPoPP'09a] [PPoPP'09b] [LCPC'08] [EUROPAR'05] [PDPTA'05] [SC'04] [PDPTA'02]
Data compression (floating-point data, execution traces, mobile data, JavaScript code)
[IPDPS'25a] [ASPLOS'25] [CoDaC'24] [ESSA'24] [DCC'24a] [DCC'24b] [IA^3'22] [DCC'18] [ACCN'17] [SC'16] [SPACE'16] [ICCCN'15] [TC'14] [MASCOTS'13] [TC'11] [CASES'10] [WebApps'10] [DCC'10] [ICCD'09] [DCC'09] [TC'09] [DCC'07a] [DCC'07b] [CAN'06] [DCC'06] [TC'05] [CGO'05] [SIGMETRICS'04] [PACT'03]
Performance optimization, recommendation systems, classification, phase detection
[CVIU'15] [DMIN'14] [3DOR'14] [PDPTA'11a] [ISPASS'11] [SC'10] [JPCS'09] [TG'09] [ISPASS'08] [IISWC'06] [MICRO'04] [PLDI'02]
Prefetching and caching (multicore architectures, helper threading, 3D architectures)
[HPCC'15] [TACO'06] [PACT'06] [D&T'05] [PACT'05] [TECHCON'05] [MSP'05]
Computational brain-injury modeling (bioengineering, visualization, BIC)
[BIOCOMP'12] [BIOCOMP'11] [BIOCOMP'08] [MSV'07] [SBC'07] [MSV'06] [SBC'05] [METMBS'05] [SBC'03]
Value prediction (value predictors, energy/complexity efficient design, confidence estimators)
[WISA'06] [CAN'05] [WDDD'05] [CF'05] [VPW'04] [TC'02] [CAN'02] [ICCD'00] [DISS'00] [PACT'99] [JILP'99] [PFDC'98]

Software and Data
GPU code: ECL-MM (maximum matching), ECL-MST (minimum spanning tree), ECL-SCC (strongly connected components), MPLG (compressed in-memory graphs), SFP (VLSI routing), ECL-APSP (all pairs shortest paths), graphB+ (signed social network balancing), ECL-MIS (maximal independent sets), ECL-GC (graph coloring), ECL-CC (connected components), PLR (linear recurrences), SAM (prefix sums), MPC and GFC (compression), TSP_GPU (TSP), ECL-BH (n-body), FSM_GA (finite state machines)
Benchmark suites: ECL-Suite (data-race-free GPU graph analytics), Indigo3 (parallel buggy and bug-free benchmarks), Indigo2 (parallel benchmarks), Indigo (parallel microbenchmarks), LonestarGPU (irregular GPU code), Lonestar (irregular CPU code)
Energy/Performance: SyncPerformance (synchronization primitives), Bit-Flips (bit-flip minimization), K20Power (GPU power profiler), PerfExpert/AutoSCOPE (bottleneck diagnosis)
FP compression: PFPL (lossy), FPcompress (lossless), FPcrush, SPDP (tool), SPDP (HDF5), MPC, GFC, gFPC, pFPC, FPC, DP data, SP data
Lossless compression: LICO (image compression)
Parallelization systems: Parla (heterogeneous tasking system), ILCS (iterative local searches)
Sequence mining: CBBT (phase detection), patterns (frequent subsequences)
Trace compression: TCgen (compressor generator), VPC3 (compression algorithm)
Brain-injury modeling: TBI (model, BIC, animations)

Teaching Material
Lecture slides: Teaching modules (introduction to parallel programming for undergraduates)
Programming projects: Peachy assignments (computing a movie of zooming into a fractal)

Professional Activities
Committee Member: ASPLOS'26, MICRO'25, ICS'25, ASPLOS'25, DRBSD'24, IA^3'24, HPCBugsFest'24, IISWC'24, CoDaC'24, IISWC'23, DRBSD'23, ISCA'23, HPCA'23, DRBSD'22, IISWC'22, ISCA'22, IWBDR'21, DRBSD'21, MICRO'21, ISCA'21, ISPASS'21, DRBSD'20, IWBDR'20, DRBSD'19, GPGPU'19, DRBSD'18b, DRBSD'18a, GPGPU'18, PPoPP'18, DRBSD'17b, EuroPar'17, DRBSD'17a, GPGPU'17, PPoPP'17, EduHPC'16, GPGPU'16, Cluster'15, PLDI'15, PPoPP'15, PLDI'14, PPoPP'14, GPGPU'13, PPoPP'13, GPGPU'12, PPoPP'12, PACT'11, ICSEC'11, PLDI'11, HPCA'11, PPoPP'10, ISCA'09, PPoPP'09, IISWC'08, MSPC'06, IISWC'05, CGO'05, ICS'02
Workshops & Tutorials: TUES1, COT5, COT4, PET5, COT3, PET4, PET3, COT2, PET2, COT1, PET1, VPW2, VPW1
Distinguished Member of the ACM; Senior Member of the IEEE and IEEE CS; Member of the NCWIT

ECL members by spring lake ECL members on campus

Current ECL members
Martin Burtscher: Director
Anju Mongandampulath Akathoott: Parallel graph algorithms (Postdoc)
Cameron Bradley: Graph pattern counting (PhD)
Brandon Burtchell: Adaptive data compression (PhD)
Alex Fallin: Lossy data compression (PhD)
Andres Gonzalez: Parallel graph analytics (PhD)
Andrew Rodriguez: Low-energy data compression (PhD)
Bishal Sharma: Irregular-code profiling (PhD)
Avery Vanausdal: Parallel benchmarks (PhD)
Marco Franzreb: Wavelet trees on GPUs (MS) [University of Stuttgart]

A few words from former ECL members
Yiqian Liu: PhD researcher [video]
Kristi Belcher: undergraduate researcher [video]
Sindhu Devale: graduate researcher [video]
Andres Gonzalez: graduate researcher [video]
Sepideh Maleki: graduate researcher [video]
Arthi Nagarajan: graduate researcher [video]
Jarim Seo: graduate researcher [video]
Dean Terrell: undergraduate researcher [video]
Aarti Kothari: graduate researcher [video]

Former thesis/dissertation students
Mackenzie Toliver: Small-file data compression (BS'24)
Noushin Azami: Lossless parallel data compression (PhD'24)
Yiqian Liu: Benchmark suites of irregular parallel programs (PhD'24)
Ghadeer Alabandi: Parallel graph analytics (PhD'23)
Kian ORyan: Multi-GPU clustering (MS'23)
Benila Jerald: Optimal TSP solver (MS'22)
Kayla Wesley: Parallel LZ77 algorithm (MS'22)
Andres Gonzalez: Parallel TSP heuristic (MS'20)
Jarim Seo: Parallel MST generation (MS'20)
Aarti Kothari: Massively parallel routing (MS'20)
Isaac van Til: Parallel graph coloring (BS'20)
Arthi Nagarajan: Energy-efficient memory accesses (MS'17)
Jayadharini Jaiganesh: Fast connected-components algorithms (MS'17)
Sahar Azimi: GPU execution tracing and compression (MS'17)
Kristi Belcher: Multi-GPU execution of irregular codes (BS'16)
Sepideh Maleki: Generalizing prefix-sum computations (MS'16)
Sindhu Devale: Tracing of large-scale parallel programs (MS'16)
Farbod Hesaaraki: Unobtrusive real-time tracing of parallel programs (MS'15)
Molly O'Neil: Using GPUs to accelerate irregular programs (MS'15)
Saeed Taheri: Optimization suggestions for GPU programs (MS'14)
Hari Mukka: Data-compression algorithm synthesis (MS'14)
Paruj Ratanaworabhan: Automatic data-race tolerance (PhD'09)
Ilya Ganusov: Multi-core helper threading (PhD'07)

Former research-group members
Michael Lehmann: Undergraduate Independent Study
Benito Juarez: Undergraduate Independent Study
Avery Vanausdal: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Rain Lawson: Graduate Research Assistant
Grant Smith: Undergraduate Independent Study
Patrick Parker: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Corbin Walters: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Shubhangi Mahajan: Independent Study
Rick Rodriguez: Undergraduate Independent Study
Sirichi Srisan: Independent Study
Grace Adams: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Alex Fallin: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Kameron Bush: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Navya Tulimilli: Graduate Research Assistant
Anthony Cortes: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Fernando Valdes: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Christopher Yanez: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Evan Powers: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Randy Cornell: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Dean Terrell: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Jared Coplin: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Steven Claggett: Undergraduate Research Assistant
James Edwards: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Annie Yang: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Kurstie Lenear: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Christopher Ramirez: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Bhavya Medishetty: Graduate Research Assistant
Peter Janovics: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Raghuveer Kolli: Graduate Research Assistant
Hassan Rabeti: Undergraduate/Graduate Research Assistant
Jim Shockey: Independent Study
Olalekan Sopeju: Graduate Research Assistant

Selected ECL-member highlights
NSF Fellowships ($138,000): Jared, Kristi, Molly
Outstanding thesis awards: Sepideh
Outstanding research awards: Jared, Molly, Sepideh
Best-paper awards: Yiqian, Noushin
PhD positions at Texas State, U. of Oregon, UT Austin, U. of Utah
Industry positions at NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, Samsung, Uber, USAA, Charles Schwab, etc.

Yiqian's graduation

ECL members at Italian Garden

Yiqian's graduation

ECL members at Italian Garden

Ghadeer's graduation

ECL members at Italian Garden

ECL members at TACC

ECL members at graduation
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