Recent Highlights
We just released our very fast and effective lossless compressors for single- and double-precision floating-point data that are fully compatible between CPUs and GPUs.
LC, our tool for automatically generating high-performance data compressors, is now publicly available on GitHub. Follow the tutorial to try it out!
We released the Indigo3 benchmark suite. It contains over 30,000 labeled buggy and bug-free parallel C, C++, OpenMP, and CUDA codes with lots of inputs. The suite is described in our TOPC'24 paper.
Short Biography
Martin Burtscher is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University.
He received the BS/MS degree from ETH Zurich and the PhD degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Martin's current research focuses on the parallelization of graph algorithms and complex programs for GPUs
as well as on the synthesis of high-speed lossy and lossless data-compression algorithms.
He has co-authored about 135 peer-reviewed scientific publications, which have
been cited over 7100 times.
Martin is a distinguished member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE.
Martin is among the top 2% of scientists worldwide in his field according to a study from Stanford. He has obtained millions of dollars in research funding from the DOE, NSF, DARPA, NVIDA, Intel, and Microsoft. He has published papers in top venues like ASPLOS, HPDC, ICS, IPDPS, MICRO, PLDI, PPOPP, SC, and SIGMETRICS. He has received 2 best-paper awards and 4 research awards. He has presented 3 keynotes. He consistently receives some of his department's highest course evaluations. He has received 3 teaching awards and 3 favorite professor awards. He has served as faculty mentor for 4 assistant professors. He has co-founded and organized 17 workshops and tutorials. He served on the advisory board of 2 companies and has consulted for 6 companies.
Current Research
High-Performance Computing (HPC): GPU computing, parallel algorithm design, data compression, graph analytics, algorithm synthesis, performance optimization, energy efficiency
The CS department at Texas State ranks in the top 35 nationally and the top 50 worldwide in HPC.
Efficient Computing Laboratory
Martin directs the Efficient Computing Laboratory (ECL). Its research goals are developing general
strategies for parallelizing complex and irregular programs, creating techniques to automatically synthesize
high-performance data-compression algorithms, and designing optimizations to improve performance and
energy efficiency. Animations and more information are available here.
Faster computations and better algorithms can help save lives, solve health problems, increase safety, improve
the environment, and keep us connected. At this point, parallelization is the primary way to make more powerful
and energy-efficient computers possible. As we are reaching the limits of human ability, automatic synthesis is
the most promising avenue for creating new and improved algorithms.
Projects LC (high-speed lossy data compression framework) [DOE/ASCR - DRS] PECOS (simulation of inductively coupled plasma torch) [DOE/NNSA - PSAAP III] CIVIC (verification of irregular parallel programs) [NSF/CCF - SHF]
Teaching Material Lecture slides:
Teaching modules (introduction to parallel programming for undergraduates) Programming projects:
Peachy assignments (computing a movie of zooming into a fractal)
Selected ECL-member highlights
NSF Fellowships ($138,000): Jared, Kristi, Molly
Outstanding thesis awards: Sepideh
Outstanding research awards: Jared, Molly, Sepideh
Best-paper awards: Yiqian, Noushin
PhD positions at Texas State, U. of Oregon, UT Austin, U. of Utah
Industry positions at NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, Samsung, Uber, USAA, Charles Schwab, etc.